Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

New lesson requests/suggestions

I’m getting the impression that most requests for new lessons happen over on Facebook. But sorry, tried that a couple of years ago and hated it, so here I am.

It would be cool if you could put something covering pentatonic and appreggios into the queue. And maybe after that a primer on improvising. I’m sure the queue is quite long, but I’m only just getting started and have plenty to keep me busy as it is.


Jim G.
Westminster MA


Hey Jim!
I agree that those would be great suggestions. The combination of your requests reminded me of something I had previously seen on uTube and enjoyed. The following video might be useful for pentatonics, arpeggios and improvisation. Granted, I’d prefer a lesson from Ben, but until that happens, this might be helpful:

Thanks Mike! Took a very quick peek at it, but I’m at work as I type this so had to bail out. I have Don’s “Dummy” book. And I snagged “Going To California”, from that classic bluegrass band Led Zeppelin from him a while back. I’ll definitely check this link out soon.

Just got back from assignment, and I concur arpeggio work outs would be great.

Hey i have a suggestion.
Grandpappas clock mandolin lesson! :slight_smile:

Head over Hills. Banjo

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