Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

New Humidification System

Howdy all,

Recently I purchased my ‘dream’ Taylor, an 814ce, and asked the dealer about humidification for the instrument. Because I live in Kentucky, humidification is a big deal and my ‘old’ guitar is almost always wet. Over the years I have tried about everything I could get my hands on short of a room solely for the purpose of leveling out humidity for the instrument. He recommended the D’Addario Two-Way Humidification System, which was new to me, so I followed his recommendation & purchased it. Their system claims to maintain levels between 45-50%… ‘drying’ out an instrument which is too wet and humidifying one which is dry. Sounded a little hard to believe, but I am very pleased to say it really seems to work!

When my father died in 1990 he owned 2 acoustics (both Fenders) and a few years after his passing my Mom sent his prized F-260s to me… I have proudly owned & played this acoustic since about '98. I will now purchase the D’Addario system to use with my Dad’s Fender and recommend others looking for such a system to give it a try.

First of all welcome to the forum and congrats on the new Taylor. I know you’re proud to have your Dad’s guitar as well.

The Two-Way Humidification System (I think we use to call it the Humidipak) should do a fine job. My guitars stay on the wall or on stands in my little music room which is climate controlled so I don’t use in-case humidifiers but if I did the one you bought would probably be my choice.

If you get a chance go to “General Chit Chat” and put your spot on the Member Location map!

Thanks for the welcome Bulldog.

I have added my spot on the map… cool idea.


How do you climate control your music room? What do you use?

The central heat and air keeps the whole house around 70-75 degrees year around so the temperature is always good. During summer the RH stays very high down here but the AC keeps it a comfortable 50-55% indoors. Winter is the only time of year I need to take precautions as the central heat and fireplace will run the RH down way below safe levels. For that I keep a cool mist humidifier with a programable humidistat in the guitar room which keeps it around 45-50%. Going on eight years and have never had a problem.