Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Netgrass Collaboration #3

BTW Mike, thanks to you I’m poorer (but ah, so much richer) - see thread on picks. :smiley:


Um wouldn’t we sing the first verse as the intro verse then also add it onto the end and end up with 6?

So there’s these verses:

Out on the highway
Bad News In Huston
New Mexico
Out on the highway

Out on the highway could be the common with harmonies. Harmonies would/could also come in the end of each individual verse on the last phrase of the verse.
If we have enough folks to sing then we could use the common verse for them to sing a lead.

I have worked through about 5 or 6 keys in majoring on this…I like C and really can sing it nicely in B and get the octave naturally without much effort. So “B” is where I would play it if I had to…of course others will not be comfortable here so it’s just where I like it so far with my voice.

I guess the major depends if we are gonna have a fiddler or not on this one? So anyone that wants to add in a fiddle probably needs to let us know now or forever hold their peace as we won’t tolerate any whinun’ and cryn’ if we end up playing out of E sharp! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If I think something I will add is going to help the sound I add it. If I don’t come up with something that will help I won’t upload something that I think may detract from the sound.

since my fiddle got ruined (wife put it on floor in room over wood stove) and repaired it no longer plays well as the action is way high and this limits me on what I can do with the instrument. Add in the fact that I am more of a fiddle owner than a fiddle player and it just comes down to whether I am lucky enough to cut a good track with it or not.

Hi guys - I was talking with the caveman last night in the flesh as he backed my husband and I up so I caught up a bit on the gos. I just watched white freight liner and that is bluegrass how I like it. Oldhat asked me to find this forum - so I have. I am a singer mainly and am interested in helping out if I can.

I have read the posts and bluegrass standards are always good fun to do.

Six verses would give us 5 breaks. Do we need that many?

I attempted to transcribe Sam’s mandolin break from Newgrass’s studio recording tonight. I think I’ve got it reasonably close but I’m not sure I can ever learn to play it up to speed.

Dianne, if you’re just singing, this part of the project might get a little tedious for you. It takes us a while to get to the point where we’re ready for voices, but hang in there!

Larry we could stack the 1st verse and 2nd together with no break then start breaks after that or we could drop a verse. I think we need the common verse to be in there on the front and back of the song.

I’ve been thinking about a guitar break and I can hear a part of “Folsom Prison Blues” coming out in it somewhere :mrgreen: and will work in that somewhere in a guitar break…just enough to be recognized then I will kill it and move onto other phrasing.

I say the singer sings his verse then gets the break immediately after…if we use the “Caroline” verse and I sing that part then you can bet I will work in “Dixie” on a break enough to recognize it then kill it.

Lost of ideas that can be incorporated into a break on this song…I am liking it once I started putting my head around creating a break…there is just enough space to put in a 2 measure melody of another song into your break that is recognizable then get back off it and onto the songs melody without getting out of it’s melody…pretty cool!


— Begin quote from "ldpayton"

— Begin quote from ____

It’s comfy to sing (even the wh-HIIIIINE).

— End quote

I’ve tried it in so many keys because I’m looking for one where I can do that octave. If only there were a key of H, I’m sure I could pull it off.

— End quote

Sounds like a 5th (not an octave ) to me, so try for that and you may get there easier :wink:
Don’t know if that makes a difference if you are looking for a key.

Thanks, ozi. I’ve been listening to the live Newgrass vid and I think I’m hearing the octave from the tenor and trying to switch over. It’s a lot easier for me to hear what’s going on in this vid with just the melody line.


I really like the harmony singing on this one, too.

I’m working on a scratch track. I recorded one this afternoon, but it was clipping a bit, so I decided to redo it. The wife just went to bed, so now that the house is quiet, I should be able to get something down tonight.

I finally got a scratch track posted. I’m having trouble getting a clean recording (everything sounds like it’s run through a tube amp), but it will probably suffice for now. And, it gives me time to do some troubleshooting.

I set it up as: Break 1, Verse 1, Verse 2, Break 2, Verse 3, Verse 4, Break, Verse 5, Verse 6, but we can probably modify it mid-project if need be.

Key of B, 250bpm.

Nice. Sounds about ready to ship to me.

Ha! It’s a little rough for shipping.

I forgot to put in sync tones, so I just re-uploaded.

sounds fine Larry.

At that tempo it might be a few months before I put down any breaks. I just plain don’t play that fast anymore as a rule and not sure I can pull off anything new (every lick in this song will be) that fast with out playing it many many hours/weeks/months. I hope to have something up by around Xmas so take your time…no hurry!


I am having problems with my recording sounding like it’s running through a phlanger or with way to much chorus…how did you get yours to sound better/what was your set up change?

Come on Fiddle…it’s no faster than Rider!

At last, a starting point! Thanks for getting that up Larry. I’ll put down a bass line as soon as I can to kick it along.
I like the tempo, however (maybe a stupid suggestion) is there any reason for not putting it up at two different tempos? May be interesting to see how the feel differs, also means we can work at levels that are attainable (before Xmas 2013). Just a thought.

Some of the slower versions are nice, too. I don’t mind doing an alternate take. Where would you like it, Dave?

Jesse, I still haven’t got my sound situation figured out. I think it has something to do with the routing through my new sound card.

It may be the speed of the other song we did, however, it is not based on a majority of the G or c/f changes which are quite familiar on banjo like Rider was. It is instead based mostly off of extended C position licks that I am completely unfamiliar with and will have to learn or figure out, all the new rolls and fingerings that will work and in what combination. Banjo, at my level, just takes a lot of time to figure out; WFL will be like learning to play a whole new instrument.

After working on this song since it was decided we would work on it, I’ve played nothing else and have so far been able to get through the chord progression once at 140bpm. I still need to work up at least four more ways to get through the progression, make them all fit what they are backing up, write a lead, and get it all up to a speed that is faster than I normally play…I think 3-4 months is a good estimate on getting this all done for a player of my limited talent and skill levels.

Ozi, do you need a slow guitar track to put bass to to practice mando? If so let me know the bpm you want and I can cut you a 3-4 minute track on guitar if you like.

Larry, I like it fine where it’s at, just will take a while to do this song on the 5 string…

Fiddle would changing the key to “D” to help some so you can work out of that G position for familiarity? Or just change it to G if you want.

I have no problem in “whatever” Key so maybe we change it…just let us know what you are comfortable with.

Or a capo on the 4th fret? :stuck_out_tongue:

— Begin quote from ____

Ozi, do you need a slow guitar track to put bass to to practice mando? If so let me know the bpm you want and I can cut you a 3-4 minute track on guitar if you like.

— End quote

For this song? I wasn’t planning on mando for this, unless you want to wait till Xmas 2013 …
However if a slower version goes up I’ll get the bass track up as well.
Was wondering whether to do this one with the Ubass (more of a DB acoustic feel) or the fretless electric. Any preferences from you blokes? Once again, could try both and you can then decide.

Man…if we do this dude at 138 then that would be 6:30+ time…and that is cutting the front short.

Here is a reference for 138 bpm with a little different intro vs. Larry’s. Can download it to use to work your break out at a slower pace if you want.

the key is not the issue, but the way the chord pattern is built (which stays the same in any key). I don’t have a problem putting in the work, as I like the song, it will just take me a while to learn and then a while to play it up to speed.

This is a huge change in style, progression, and both right and left hand techniques for me and will take a while to iron things out. That doesn’t mean that progress can’t be made on the song during that time. We’re all here to learn, but we aren’t going to learn it all today. Are we really in a big rush to complete something we haven’t even got the bass and rhythm cut perfectly yet? relax… :smiley: