Ben the new website is looking great.
There are a couple of issues I have noticed. They are very minor, but I thought I would pass them along nonetheless.
- I would think the “Become a gold pick member” in the upper right (div id=“members_box”) should be conditional based on the user’s status. If not logged in, or less than a gold pick member, then show it as it is. If one is logged in as a gold pick or better, perhaps change the text to “[insert username], you are a totally awesome person!” Ok, perhaps not that exact language, but I think a typical thing would be something like"Welcome, [insert username]"
2)At the bottom of the pages, there is the text, “Alright…it’s up and running! Go check out the BRAND NEW website at! Be sure and watch the homepage vid ” The internal address "!" might confuse some people and I would suggest updating it with the “”
- As a future request, at some point I think a searchable alphabetical list of tabs/tefs/vids would be handy. You are starting to get a sizable amount of content. I LOVE the beginner/intermediate/advanced groupings, and I LOVE the tabs associated with the vid’s viewing page. But if one is looking for a particular thing and they don’t know where it is classified, it could take a bit of searching. A separate page(s) listing all the various content would allow for easier navigation in those instances. Again, that’s a want for the future, not a need for now, but I figured I’d throw it out there.
Thanks for making a nice new home… I can’t wait to try the picking parlor. I’ll have to bring myself up to 1990’s technology and get a web cam.