Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Lost our Avatars?

Hey Archie, yeah I thought it was still a mystery to everyone, I didn’t know the guys were working on it behind the scenes.

But no one liked my treatise on the value of avatars? :frowning: Oh man, I put a lot of thought into that; I thought it was kind of deep. Oh woe is me.


Enough enough I can’t handle all these complements :heart_eyes:

Truth is I am trying to catch up on some sleep :sleeping: zzzzzzzzzz

It was nice, there I said it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Aw, you’re a sweetie.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hopefully mine is back, for now anyway after uploading again. :grinning:

Hey @Jono we are trying to bury this thread. Locking this