I have a friend who is just starting into learning guitar. She has small hands that don’t have much stretch. In addition, her outermost joint on her fingers is double jointed which seems to hamper her fretting ability. Long and short, she has more obstacles than most. We all know that it takes most everyone a while to get over the hump on learning guitar. She has hung in there for a month playing on a family guitar (which is not great, but not terrible in the lower frets). I did put a capo on for bit to see how a shorter scale and lower action would impact her playing and as expected, it helped. She looks to play strumming type stuff and fingerstyle. She isn’t looking to be a flatpicker.
She is starting to think about buying another guitar. I am considering suggesting something that I have not done before for an adult. I have played a few smaller scale guitars that I loved. The Taylor GS Mini is a super fun guitar and I have played some great little yamahas over the years as well. I can (and do) argue with myself whether or not this a good path to consider. I wanted to throw it out there for some other folks who may have run into this with students in the past (@BanjoBen ?, @DrGuitar1 ?). Stick with a smaller bodied “normal” scale or consider smaller instruments? Flip a coin?