I learned something while recording my entry for the Cabin Fever Contest. I had never seen myself while playing. Watching the recordings I was shocked to see the level of concentration and stress so clearly evident in my face. I had to record many takes before I found one that was passable (believe me, the facial contortions in most of them were even worse than the final version). I’m not sure the sound was any better in the later versions but at least the consternation on my face was not as glaring.
I asked my family about it and they told me I always look like that when I play. My wife told me I don’t ever look as if I enjoy playing because I’m concentrating so intently.
There’s no question I would play better, faster, and with more enjoyment if I could learn to let go. Of course, the same philosophy could be applied to my life, in general. Yesterday, however was my 56th birthday. If I haven’t learned how to relax yet, is it likely I ever will?
Any suggestions? (I don’t drink or smoke, so don’t bother recommending either).