Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Jerky Full Screen Video

Something about the site seems to have changed in the past week or so. Or possibly something on my end changed. I visit both at work (shhhh don’t tell anyone) using a Windows 7 desktop, and at home using an old Macbook Pro. With both, when I switch to full screen video I get a popup that says “Vimeo is now Full screen”. You have to say allow before it will go full screen.

That’s just a minor annoyance, but it’s new. My real problem is that on my macbook, when I go full screen the video gets very jerky, and close to useless. I’ve tried multiple times, over several days, and it’s repeatable everytime. I’m pretty sure it is not the bandwidth at home, since everything else I do there behaves normally still.

I don’t have the problem with Windows. But that could be that I have alot more bandwidth to work with.

Any other Mac user seeing this?

That’s interesting you get the popup that you have to “allow.” I am not seeing that. I don’t have a Mac I can try it on, but on my win machine it works fine. Since it isn’t bandwidth related, it sounds like it might be driver related. Knowing nothing about macs, I can’t offer much to suggest other than can you either download new flash drivers or revert to an older version?

I think I may have flushed all my browser settings on both machines recently. That would explain the vimeo pop-up. Once I clicked on ‘remember’ here on my work browser, the pop-up was gone when I reopened everything. I must have done the same thing months ago when I first signed up, set-and-forget, and I did forget. So maybe there is nothing new with vimeo.

As for the jerky stuff, I did also update the MacOS last week. I don’t even know what exactly was updated, it just said updates available do you want to install, and I foolishly said yes without checking exactly what it is I installed. Could be a driver. It’s an old Mac, at least 5 years old, running Lion, which is the last version supported on that model of Mac.

If I’m out of luck maybe I’ll try ‘borrowing’ my wife’s iPad and see what happens.

If it would be a valid comparison, I can check to see what it looks like on my phone. I’ll give it a try.

Edit… gave it a try and it works fine. I am not sure it’s a valid comparison as it automatically comes up almost full screen. Going to full screen just made a small size difference to zoom to the screen height instead of width (the sides ended up cropped a bit). I have an iPhone 4s running version 6.0.1.

Mike can you try opening the new Ballad Lesson in full screen. Specifically the first part (not the free preview) I’m home now, and so far that’s the only one I seem to be having trouble with.


On my computer for that video only (I rechecked others), I got the prompt that Vimeo was full screen and the allow button. So something is apparently different on that video.

On both the iPhone and computer, that video ran fine without dropping frames.

Thanks for checking it out Mike. I’ll just squint as needed on that one video.

So it turns out that every video I watch on my macbook has the jerky video when I switch to full screen. But only if I use the Mozilla Web browser. The native Safari browser works fine. I suspect the latest batch of Apple updates did something to break it. And knowing Apple it may have even been intentional.

In any case, if any other macbook users run across this, just use the Apple browser and you should be okay. I tried a slew of supposed fixes involving various versions of Firefox and Flash plugins, and none of them worked.


Howdy all,

We apologize for the videos being jerky, especially when you go to full screen. Lately, Vimeo (who we use to upload our videos) has been doing some maintenance on their end, which has directly effected the site. Ben is still talking with them to try and get it all figured out. Updated devices and deleting browser history or switching browsers, all that is a good start to finding a solution. If you are still not satisfied please let Ben or me know.

You can always email me at

Thank you for your patience with us!

God bless,


I run an old Macbook pro and have no trouble with full screen on any of the videos using Firefox.