Anyone know how to find it on the site? Having trouble navigation the site. Thanks. Char
I’ve Forgotten You Lick for Mandolin
Are you sure of the Name? It doesn’t show up on the search feature.
Is it a gospel/hymn? I don’t see that listed as a lesson there either.
Yeah, I’m afraid that’s not enough info to go on. Can you describe it?
Ben uses “I’ve Forgotten You” as an example for the intro in his “Syncopated Picking” lesson:
Thank you for taking the time to find it for me. I would have never found it.
Great lesson, but I wish he would teach the I’ve Forgotten You actual lick. Wonder why he doesn’t.
I think “I’ve Forgotten You” is copyrighted.
Well look at that. Turns out it was enough info to go on after all.
Oh dear. That’s probably it. Wonder how I could get it? Maybe some talented mando player I come across one day!
I had a feeling I’d be doing this pretty soon…
I’ll get it tabbed out for you!
I actually had it, forgot about that! Here you go. @Dragonslayer
Man-IveForgottenYou.pdf (51.6 KB) Man-IveForgottenYou.tef (1.6 KB)
Wowza! Thanks so much!!! You are the best!
I was able to print it out but I’m having trouble getting the TEF file to download. I got the syncopated pick exercise to download, but nothing since. Any suggestions? Should I try deleting my TEF app and reinstall?