I’ve been a guitar player most of my life. I am 53… I’m a picker and have two sweet guitars, a gibson and a taylor. Here’s the problem. I played banjo briefly in high school, it seriously helped with my guitar playing but I drifted away. I would now like to pick it up again and learn to be a proficient player. The problem is, when I go to a music store and pick around on the lower end banjos, I don’t like the tone. I played a Huber workhorse this week and really like the way it sounded, but was struck by the 2600 price tag. Am I going to have to go that high to find a tone I can live with?? I know I won’t play a banjo that doesn’t please my ear (which apparently has become snobbish…) I really didn’t want to spend that much to find out if I could/would stick with banjo. Any input would be appreciated!