Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Guitar lessons online

When I was 15 I started playing guitar and was self taught (big mistake) until I got past 50 and then I got interested in learning more and took lessons . They were 10 bucks for a half hour, now they are 30 bucks for a half hour, glad to see musicians come up in the world they definite needed a pay raise . But if you look around you there are many lessons that are free and I know it is a come on for more lesson’s by joining a web site or subscribing to , I have found Ben’s site to be the very best at teaching what needs to be learned . He mixes theory with fun and that is good . many people give up because the teaching is to dry or boring and Ben gives it that added punch by making it also fun. I also learn from others but it does not interfere with my learning at Banjo Ben’s . I would rate Ben at a ten for sure . I just wish this had of been around when I was 15 . Keep on playing and one day you will be a player ,a good one . The music touches the soul.!!!

— Begin quote from "welder4"

I just wish this had of been around when I was 15 .

— End quote

Isn’t that the truth! You and I would be shredding away by now. I agree Ben is the best I have seen. I feel fortunate to be learning from him.

I agree with everything you guys say Ben is a great person and terrific player all the way around, he has helped me out in the past a couple of times. But I wish we would get back to the flat picking more rather than all the finger style stuff. I worked on it some for a while and I like it but my main thing on the site was the flat pick bluegrass and gospel. Getting a huge number of finger style tunes on here and I have just been skipping over them. Tried to change a couple over to pick but didn’t work out so well. JMO maybe i am the only one on the bus as usual…Jerry :mrgreen:

Hey…how come no one is answering me here??? you guys mad at me? :frowning: Hope no one took offense to my comments about the finger style, I was just hoping and waiting for some new flat pick stuff from our Master and more fingy stuff keeps coming :confused: I like it ok but not good enough at it to spend the time learning more of it, I love the flatpick :mrgreen: Jerry

I’m not mad Jerry, Can’t speak for anyone else though :wink:. :laughing: I wouldn’t worry about that.

I like the flatpicking lessons better too, but Ben now has 887 paying members he has to try to please, not to mention all the youtube followers. Our turn will come. In the meantime there’s years of flatpicking lessons already on the site yet to concquer. (At least for me anyway). The advanced lessons will literally take years for most of us, if not a lifetime. Honestly most of us will never achieve what Ben can do, but we must enjoy the ride.

I did have a good laugh though, right after your post, Ben’s latest lesson was a finger-picking lesson. Sorry.

I’m looking forward to the next intermediate or advanced flatpicking lesson myself. While we wait I’d recommend Foggy Mountain Breakdown up to speed. I haven’t even started on that one yet, but it’s on my wish list.

Thanks for your post, it’s interesting to hear what others are thinking about on Ben’s site,


I’m not mad. In fact I have to apologize… after Ben put the new one out for “How great thou art”, I told him I might have to set my pick down to go learn it. Sorry about that :frowning:

FMB is a good suggestion. However, I kept wanting to grab a banjo when I played it :smiley: Another suggestion: On Ben’s site do a search for “Angeline the Baker” and look at the “low solo” version that Ben has. That one was just hiding out there. There’s no video (that I am aware of), but I love the arrangement. I have been playing around with low versions of it, and I ended up just mixing what I had for an A part with what he has for a B part. It might be my favorite song to play in the history of ever (so far). I play it slow (currently about 180, headed towards around 200), but at that speed you can throw in 16ths and 8th note triplets. Big fun. I haven’t spent much time working on his A part, but I’ll probably circle back around at some point. I was at practice last night and I was plugged in and waiting for people to get there. I played it for several minutes just blasting away through the PA. I love drop D.