I received my brand new Gold Tone OB-3 Twanger today and it is a beautiful instrument as everyone said. I love it and had to quit practicing before I felt like I wanted to because life interfered:-) which just shows how much I was enjoying it. For the last two months I’ve been playing my first and only banjo. It was used, and I suspect not great quality even when new. So I expected the twanger to sound much better and it does! I expected it to be louder and it is which is very satisfying. I didn’t expect it to be heavier, but I probably should have because I’m sure that’s just due to quality materials and I like the nice solid feel it has when I play it. What I didn’t expect but am delighted to discover is that is is so much easier to play then my first banjo! The strings are so much more responsive, and require so much less pressure to play. Slides, hammers and pull offs resonate so much better and more easily even under my inexperienced fingers. I"m kind of glad I started with a banjo that was hard to play because it’s immediately so much more relaxed to play this banjo and I’m learning that a relaxed banjo player is a better banjo player.
I do have what is sure to be a very obvious question to most of you (if not all of you) on this site but remember I am like a toddler when it comes to anything about the banjo. I got to the beginner Old Joe Clark lesson and from guitar experience I barely remembered how to use a capo (although I am such a nominal guitar player I never actually used one on guitar either), and I remembered that Banjo Ben and his crew did put spikes on my new banjo (thank you!) but if there was any instruction on how to use them in a previous lesson, I must have missed it. Do I just hook the string around the spike by sort of sliding it down toward the D string and letting it hook on the appropriate spike from the bottom of the spike? It seemed to work as far as tuning goes but it didn’t seem to stay when I did it the first time, so am I doing it wrong or just not being decisive enough about doing it? I’m mildly afraid of breaking the string if I do it wrong. When I tried a second time it seemed to stay but I just want to be sure I’m doing it right. Thanks for any answers/assurance/correction you can give on this point.