Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Got my new Twanger and I love I have one question

@pastormac, I can’t explain technically why it’s better to go with the light weight strings, but it just sounds and plays better. I’ve tried several different weights, brands, and materials just to experiment. I always come back to light, stainless steel. The set carrying the Banjo Ben label are good too (to me).

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@Mark_Rocka I also have only seen the ability to change the percentage under the relative speed option of the midi menu, but of course when you change the percentage it does change the bpm, Oddly though I haven’t been able to find a way to set the BPM, and I would like to be able to set the metronome or the TEF file to play according to BPM sometimes rather than doing the complicated figuring of what percentage equals what bpm. I did, however, notice that if you look up in the top left corner while it’s playing it does tell you both the percentage and the BPM so I typically set a percentage and then look up to see what the BPM is, but as I say it would be nice to set it according to BPM. But I have just started working with it so I may just be missing it, or it may be I’m missing functionality with the free version.

In the TEFView app, click the Play menu option, then MIDI Options, and you’ll see Tempo in the top right corner of the MIDI Options window.

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I don’t use TEFView so I can’t advise on that but in TablEdit if you click on MIDI Options you can adjust the Tempo to your preferred speed there is also another useful feature in there which allows you to set the syncopation from Straight to Swing Eights or Jazz Eights. When you make adjustments here you have to SAVE the changes

There it is! Like I say I"ve only explored it a bit. Thanks @Mark_Rocka

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