Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Gifted a Greek Bouzouki

Forum Members:

I know this is a long shot… but I was so fortunate honored, and blessed when a dear friend of mine gifted me a beautiful tetraxordo (8 steel strings in 4 sets of pairs) Bouzouki he bought in Greece.

It is in excellent shape and sounds amazing!

Typical Greek Bouzouki tuning - lower 2 sets are in Octaves: C3,C4,F3,F4
Upper 2 sets identical tones (like Mando) A3,D4

I know this forum has many gifted players who also play a large variety of string instruments… so I wonder if anyone might have online resources to recommend?

I also know that there is an Irish variant Bouzouki (obviously played in more Celtic style) with alternate tuning… but I don’t want to risk damaging this fine instrument.

It would be cool to find a teacher here in SE Michigan.


Hey Bill, how is it going?

I was wondering I only heard of Japanese Suzuki and what is this Greek Bouzouki player but then it reminded me of a song I have listened during college days in cassette tape!

Never listen to a Bouzouki player if…


Hi @JohnM! How are you?

This is from my time… but I don’t recall ever hearing this! Catchy little tune! Probably a good thing because it is so catchy, I may have drilled it onto my brain back then… lol

Thank you so much for sharing!

The links to Abba sound are quite noticeable, aren’t they?

How appropriate after Abba just released a new album!


Think this might help you get started @WillCoop


Yep, they resemble/remind ABBA! :slight_smile:

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Very Impressive @Archie. Thank you so much, kind sir!