Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: I Saw Three Ships

This classic English carol is at least 200 years old! It has lyrics, but the instrumental version is such a joy to play. I actually use a flatpick on this one! Give it a try for something new!


Shout out to @rspillers for the excellent Christmas gift! Thanks, man!


Oh boy will this one cause a storm ?Cloud961


Shades of Luke Kelley :slight_smile: Put down that guitar and pick up a bouzouki and you’d be right in there :slight_smile: I think it’s great you throw out a little exposure to a different way to play a great instrument, and Irish music, with a 4 or a 5 string, can be every bit the equal to bluegrass when it comes to drive.


Thats very cool. Really enjoyed it.

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Welcome, @jon.sills, to the forum! I agree, this is definitely a great variation of the banjo that I hadn’t even thought about! Look forward to learning it, and to seeing you around the forum!


Yes, I do need a bouzouki!


Hi @jon.sills Jon welcome to BanjoBen 's form

I think you’ll find the words and music are both English traditional. Not Irish although a lot of Irish bands cover this one. But we will let you off since your new here and it’s close to Christmas.
These are the three ships mention in the song. camel camel camel As was told to me as a child at school

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Very nice! I really like the mandolin playing in the preview. Will there be a lesson for that as well?


welcome to @BanjoBen 's Forum @kreynolds5 Kathy

You can bet on it! deerhead

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Yessir you are correct in that it is English. My wife was born and raised there, although her family is from Dublin originally. But if you’re gonna flack pick a banjo, the only group of individuals I know that really rock out on that are my friends the Irish :smile:


True but they likely use an Irish Tenor Banjo 4 strings Bjpaddy

Bouzouki reminds me again of this song… Gifted a Greek Bouzouki - Other Instruments - Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome to the forum, @kreynolds5! It’s great to have you here!


Welcome to the forum @kreynolds5! There should be a lesson for the mandolin coming soon. The videos come in an order of banjo, guitar, mandolin (or something similar), so probably in about two weeks.