Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Generated a song with AI

All right, I think it’s time for me to throw my 2 cents in here. I’ve been watching this thread with interest, and I think that while there are some interesting points raised, there are some things I should point out as a technophile who watches this space.

(Please note that my views are my own and I’m not expecting anybody to necessarily agree; I just want to make some observations. Anyway, here goes!)

Should AI scare you? Maybe. The big problem right now is that world+dog sees it as a quick way to get definitive answers on everything from “how do I write this code?” to “should I commit suicide?” (not kidding, that actually happened recently. The company behind the AI used in that case had to scramble to patch the AI immediately). That’s not what it is. If we start viewing it as a tool to help us sift through data but keep in mind that it is inherently incapable of intentionally producing an intelligent answer (see the collapsed block below), AI becomes not scary.

AI can't intentionally produce an intelligent answer?

AI is based around pattern matching. Basically, the AI has a giant dataset of text, images, video, or whatever else it needs to operate on (for GPT and such AIs, the model would be based around text) that it analyzes. It then uses that to predict the likelihood of a specific word appearing after what it already has:
In this case, it predicts that “you” will likely come after “how are”, “feeling” will follow “how are you”, and “today?” will follow “how are you feeling”.

This all goes to show that AI isn’t being intelligent: it’s just mimicking human intelligence, which on the internet is often not as intelligent as it is offline.

Well obviously they need to get a dataset somewhere to make it better, and why not just train it on the massive amounts of text people have been feeding into it? Discretion on what you ask AI is definitely good though; Samsung recently had trade secrets shared with ChatGPT by employees who didn’t consider the ramifications of doing so.

Oh no, crypto wars are starting! Seriously, though, I think that cryptocurrency is an interesting concept that has met with undue controversy. I am in agreement that government-run cryptocurrency is probably not the way to go, since community-driven crypto is fairly easy to use anonymously (since you can create a wallet and just not publicize the fact that it is associated with you), while goverment crypto is going to end up with tracking involved. Realistically speaking, though, the government can already get your purchase history by subpoenaing your credit card company or your bank[citation needed], so government crypto isn’t all that earth-shattering in terms of privacy.

Back to AI!

As I pointed out above, this is because people look at AI, see that it seems alive, human, and intelligent in its responses, and therefore people place a very high degree of trust in AI. But AI cannot be trusted by virtue of its design.

Spoken like a true geek :slight_smile: GIGO is definitely one of the top offenders with regard to generative AI issues. Like I said earlier, the average human IQ seems to decrease by a few points while connected to the internet. I have no idea why, but it’s easily proven by checking out Twitter or Reddit.

Yep. AI can be very good at this sort of stuff. Another example is removing satellite streaks from astronomy photography (e.g. the smear of light produced when one of the thousands of Starlink sats moves past your telescope).

I think it’s essential to take into consideration what the preview for the linked article says: ChatGPT’s dataset dates to 2021. Does ChatGPT know about Biden vs. Trump? Absolutely (and more so if you are paying for access to the newer GPT-4 backend). Do the developers have a hand in restricting output about Trump? Undoubtedly. But I think we need to cut OpenAI some slack here (even though this forum tends toward right-wing views, hear me out on this one). They gave themselves the monumental job of creating an AI trained on practically everything on the internet, whether good, bad, or downright nasty, and then filtering out any and all offensive material, whatever that may be. They obviously can’t let the AI be completely unfiltered on high-profile and highly controversial politicians (from either party); they had to make a choice and I believe that they are trying to do their best to filter the output in a fair manner. And as I implied at the beginning of this paragraph, ChatGPT’s model has a dataset that’s skewed towards Trump in terms of how much data it has, so there’s more data for the AI to look at and decide on its own that it needs to restrict its response about Trump, whereas Biden has only a year’s worth of campaign data to be judged by instead of a full presidency.

If he wrote an AI in Python, I’m calling him a coder. Ain’t nobody gonna learn Python and write an AI without becoming some form of hobbyist programmer in the meantime. :nerd_face:

More to the point, keep in mind that we’ve already had the tech to recognize printed writing for 20 years, and recognizing handwriting, while undoubtedly more difficult, is not really scary.

This is precisely the great part about generative AI. For example, I at one point wished to replace a certain bit of text in all the files in one folder on my laptop with another bit of text. I asked Bing Chat to help me out, and it gave me a working command to do that, as well as an accurate explanation. Here’s a recreation with ChatGPT:

This concept of having an AI help you with technical tasks actually was brought to life a few years ago by GitHub with the introduction of their Copilot AI, which will generate code on-demand for developers. I’ve never used Copilot myself, but they say it can be pretty useful.

Here’s Bing Chat expounding on Headin’ Home…

You put yourself on the internet, so you’re going to end up in an AI database. It’s just a matter of time. Even if Bing’s answer here was based mainly off of web searches, that just reinforces the point: AI is being put to work on as large of a dataset as possible, and the internet contains the absolute largest database of text available to AI experts.

Now now, LIbby, I would hardly call him foolish for asking ChatGPT to write a poem.

In conclusion: Should AI scare you? Maybe. Will it take your job? Maybe (but it’s probably fairly low chances for most people). Will it give you a job? Possibly; there are people being hired as prompt engineers. Is it perfect? Absolutely not.

Is it exciting?

(image generated by AI)

Boy oh boy oh boy, yes it’s exciting!


@LorenDB interesting techy point of view! :slight_smile: Well written & thanks for sharing!


Put it to music, sing it and video, and then we’ll share with Jake.

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Great post Loren!
I retired a little bit ago (at least for the time being), but I imagine using these AI led searches would be incredibly useful for coding. I ended up getting temporarily pulled into projects using languages I wasn’t very familiar with, but algorithms are algorithms and design patterns are design patterns… I’d just do a few searches and I was generally able to find some representative code. Tools like Codesmith started out real useful, but I found that over time it shifted to almost forcing your code to be hands off. Anyway, using the tools you are talking about seem like a great in between. It does the heavy lifting of the searches and then you can still implement and/or modify quite easily.

True, I am admittedly right leaning, but the results of ChatGPT extolling the bright spots of Biden while refusing to do so for Trump is undeniably left leaning. The excuse offered that the DB stopped in 2021 rings hollow. In fact, it seems to be a red herring that when examined falls apart. At that point in time (2021), Biden had been in public office about 10 times as long as Trump and that includes twice as long in the executive office. Both had just completed a presidential campaign. To say that one is political and the other one not (as the results implied) is flat out wrong. So, the result clearly indicates a bias to me. Whether it happened on purpose (see the Twitter and Facebook handling of the Hunter Biden stories and many other examples), or simply a result of reading a biased dataset (which we do have), the result is the same. A flawed, biased result. And this is the exact kind of problem that bothers me with the public perception of AI. You said that AI algorithms can’t be completely unfiltered on some topics. I think I disagree with that (other than perhaps for clear issues of public safety). Those choices that you said had to be made are the very inflection point where the bias does happen. It is kind of like the purpose of free speech. If one believes it in it, you can’t carve out niches for things you don’t want to hear. Now, if by “filtered” you mean that the AI filters sources based on fundamental substantiation, then I’ll buy that. Do I cut ChatGPT slack? Absolutely. Code does what it is made to do. Do I accept that the issue identified showing bias wasn’t purposefully done? No, I do not.

I have responded on the latter points with a spirit of cheerful debate in my heart. I hope that this spirit shines through in my words. Wishing you peace, love, great picking, and rocking coding!


I missed that earlier. That’s awesome!

Yep, no offense taken over anything.


Here’s a picture of you-know-who a few years down the road. Created by Midjourney. Prompt created by ChatGPT. Midjourney doesn’t seem to understand the concept of a five string banjo.

banjo ben.jpg


Great responses by everybody!

My problem with the aged @BanjoBen image is his expression. You can’t play a sad song on a banjo!

That, and the fact that he seems to have lost a finger on his left hand. AI can’t be smart enough to predict that, can it?


I generated a few more. The first one looks vaguely familiar.

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I’ve enjoyed this thread.

From top left, clockwise:

Franklin Graham, Doc Watson’s 1st cousin who is coincidentally first cousins with Byron Berline, Nicholas Cage, and @mharrison43 2 years after his razor breaks


@Mike_R Midjourney AI is famous for messing up hands. Maybe he should stick to playing a four string banjo.

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He’s extremely brilliant, as well as a bit of a savant. I’ve watched him struggle with Aspberger’s since he was a teenager. Still a bit awkward, but he’s come a long ways.


I’d like to point out another aspect of AI that I see all the time…

I’m a Day Trader, yes, that is how I work from home. Not only am I a trader, but I trade enough to qualify as a HFT (High Frequency Trader).

Finacial reports, cash flow, EPS, EBITDA, DD, etc when looking to invest or trade? It’s a joke. Nearly all of the markets are controlled by AI. Algos run everything. I simply trade their daily patterns - identical.

Hard to tell the AI vs reality. People need to slowly wean themselves from “the metrics” or it will more than likely consume them…90% do not even know how to spot it.

We all have flaws. None of us are perfect. There is no “perfect” in life…holes there if you know what to look for…the Calculus. That’s what I exploit.

Son of mine heading off to an academy? 100% “ghost” on all social media. He said “not me” when he was in jr high… not a single account or post. It will destroy better people.

My oldest? The Biomolecular Engineer graduating w/MS in Data Analytics? She has IQ range of 130+. She could be dangerous with this stuff in her hands. She’s a “good one” though. “Not on my watch” is the way she rolls.

Great thread. Lurking in every shadow.


I found this article and was reminded of this thread where we were talking about AI. Thought provoking at the very least.


Is it saying we can trust China’s photos just not the US ones? :joy:

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In this case, it looks like it :slight_smile: Not saying I’ve confirmed/researched everything it says - I just said it’s thought provoking. And I do 100% agree with the rest of the article. That guy (Bart Sibrel) knows his stuff.


Another AI curiosity. I don’t have much interest or fascination in the whole AI concept, but Canva has a new image generating tool called Magic Media and I had to type in “a bluegrass band on stage.” It gave me 4 results to choose from. Could the future of bluegrass be more flatpicking centered? :grinning:

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My personal new AI toy is Ollama, which lets you run a chat AI on your Linux or Mac computer (Windows is supposedly on the way). I’m having way too much fun with the different aspects of it :smiley: