Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

FG800 Or FG830?

Hey Ya’ll

Is the FG800 And FG830 Good bluegrass guitars? And which one would you think is better?


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This could easily turn into a long complex discussion with many nuances, so I’ll try my best to keep it brief. My ‘bottom line up front’ recommendation is to call the General Store and seek council. I assign alot of value and trust to Jake and team. But, my take on your question is that there are 2 primary standards in BG Guitar, Mahogony vs Rosewood. When I look at the FG800 vs FG830 specs, I see the 830 has laminate Rosewood, but the 800 has neither. So point to the 830 on that metric. I’ll end with a really good comment I heard when I was trying to decide on which Eastman guitar to purchase “it’s not which one do you want, it’s which one do you want first.”


SO, do they both have solid tops? which one would be better for lead flatpicking?

The 830 would be a better guitar. We don’t even carry the 800 because you get much more guitar for just a little more money in the 830. I’d consider the 820…it’s a little cheaper and sounds killer.


Okay thanks Ben! Do they make Any other colors other than the natural?

Hmm, I don’t know for sure. Check out the Yamaha website and see if there’s something there you like. If so, I can order it for you.

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I’ll check it out thanks!