Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Earl's Back!

I think this is a rip off, what do you guys think?

19 pages vs 192 pages…smells fishy

Could just be a mis-print…

Yeah I want the book but I dont think that’s it.

I’d wait till May

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Good idea

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I went down the rabbit hole to try out that link. Started to order, but they warned that it was an e-book and that you needed the “Kobo” reader to access it. Looked like the real thing, but I wasn’t willing to deal with yet another e-reader on my computer. So I backed out. Just some FYI.


yep, says e-book in the ad. Those do usually come earlier.

Totally understand the e-reader thing…I read a lot but won’t use kindle…I prefer actual books I can hold, to reading a screen.


Hey thanks, great information. I appreciate you doing that.


" they are published using the same tablature format as Earl Scruggs and the 5-String Banjo ."

Oh I hope not! I have the the 1968 version & the font is so small it’s very hard to read. It’s no wonder so many banjo players say “I got Earl’s book & stopped playing a short while later.”
It looks like this -

I hope the copyright police don’t come after me! Or Ben! Pull this post it it violates any kind of rule.

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Just ordered one can’t wait to get it! :grinning:

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Good luck! And keep us posted on how helpful it has been! :roll_eyes:


I hope this one is spiral bound.


I doubt it but that would be nice.

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Book came in the mail today. Looks like is going to be a good one! My only problem is figuring out what to learn first :smiley: If anyone has questions about it feel free to ask.


Is it spiral bound?

Is the print for the tabs big enough for old eyes to read?

Did it come with a vinyl instructional record?
Or did you get a web address where you could download the mp3?


Remember the plastic pages that you could pull out and put on the turntable? Awesome :smile:


I still have mine from Earl’s book.
I used to have one from Mad magazine called “Alfred E. Neumann Vocalizes.” It was a snappy rhythm bed with many belches.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey @BanJoe, compared to the tab you posted above this is 100 time better. The tab is slightly smaller than Ben’s tab but the overall book is larger than a standard pice of printing paper. No sir it’s not spiral bound, but the way the tab is layed out in the book it wouldn’t really help you. Some of the songs are 3 or 4 pages so you will be flipping pages once or twice. I plan on printing out the tab I want to work on. This way the book stays nice, I can lay out the pages, and don’t have to do any turning. Sadly no vinyl :cry: they do state the sound source below each song though. You should be able to YouTube that, slow it down and play along. Hope this is helpful and on a side note LONG LIVE THE VINYL!!