Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Download tef files

When I select the ted file to open i get a crazy screen with all different fonts. No way to open the tef file. I am a gold member and using a iMac OSX version 10.7.4

Have you downloaded the mac version for tabledit or tefview? you need that to read the file. here are a couple links: the first is to the full version that you can write and edit tabs with, the second is to the FREE version that is just a .tef file reader.

Hope this helps…


Yes i have the full mac version of tabledit, i don’t know what has changed but it saves the files as for example; GTR-LearningEverLastingArms.tef.html.

Is it saving with the html tag when you download it from this site - before you even open up your version of TablEdit?

I’ve noticed I can’t open any of the newer files either, on my mac or pc. I think we may have to change the file name to get them to work but not sure.

The most recent one I downloaded was “Leaning on the everlasting arms” and it seems to work ok. I am using Chrome for a browser on a PC.
Dave which one(s) gave you problems? I can go try it.

Don’t remember, just know the last two or three I downloaded wouldn’t open.

I was really hoping the Mr. Ben would have had somebody look into this tef download problem. Just tried the last file on I am a Pilgrim and the same thing. This is what I get when I click on the file. I am using an iMac with version 10.7.4. Any info would br greatly appreciated.

I Am A PilgrimGuitar, Key of G, Basic–àaqBà! € ! €À# @! ``" €€#$&@ &€ &À &€ $à $ €## €À# `@! ` ! €@&À&@&À&@&À&#€#@$ ` # €`# €€$ ` # €À! `e! `àe# €@&À&@&À&@ &À &!#€##$€%$ `à%$ €&!&! €À&! @'& '& €@&@+&À+&@,&À,&€-#/#0@1! 1! € 2! €€2!3& 3$ €À3! `à3" €@6&À6&@7&À7&@8&À8&€:#;#<@=" ` =" € >! €€>! `à>! €?#?# €À?# @B&ÀB&@C&ÀC&@D&ÀD&F#€G#I"@J! J$ €€J# ` J! € K# €ÀK# `àK! €@N&ÀN&@O&ÀO&@P&ÀP&R#€R#T€U$ `àU$ €V!V! €ÀV! @W& W& €@Z&ÀZ&@&À&@\&À\&€]#_#b!Àb!@c#€c! c# €àc# €@f&Àf&@g&Àg&@h&Àh&€i#k#l€m$ àm$ €n!``n! €Àn!@o& o& €@r&Àr&@s&Às&@t&Àt&€u#w#x@y! z! €z! € z! €{&€{$ À{!à{" €@~&À~&@&À&@€&À€&€‚#ƒ#„ …" €€…" à…" €†! €À†! ‡#@‡# ‡# €@Š&ÀŠ&@‹&À‹&@Œ&ÀŒ&Ž#€#@‘" ’! €€’!À’#“# “# €@–&À–&@—&À—&@˜&À˜&š#€š#œ!`@ # # €€ $À %@¦&€¦&À¦&§&¨ ª! €@ª# ª$ €€ª# ` ª! €«! `À«# `à«! €@®&À®&@¯&À¯&@°&À°&±#€³#´¶!` ·! €À·# `à·! €@¸!¸" €€¸# ½)À½)à½)@¾)¾)€¾)¿&ÀÀ! àÀ# €Â!€Â!@Ã!@Æ&ÀÆ&@Ç&ÀÇ&È&@È&ÀÈ&€É#Ì$ Ì# €ÀÌ" `Í Í! €€Í! `àÍ! €@Î! ` Î! €@Ò&ÀÒ&@Ó&ÀÓ&@Ô&ÀÔ&€Õ#×# Ø! €@Ù$Ù# €€Ù" Ù! €Ú!ÀÚ$ àÚ# €@Þ&ÀÞ&@ß&Àß&@à&Àà&€á#ã#æ! ``æ! €Àæ! ç! €€ç! àç! €@è# è" €@ê&Àê&@ë&Àë&@ì&Àì&€î#ï#ð€ðô! õ! €@õ#€õ$`@ö&€ö#@÷&€÷#@ø&€ø#ù#€û#DGCKickoffaEndingD7G7ca %).38Solor Standardca %).38RhythmStandard001101110000=101:>899<>7F000P080S0//2000000000001:D4/0111010::::H<1000010g0020000000008V0000000Page &p / &n&c&2&t &c&6&s &r&3&m &r&3&t - &3&s

I just downloaded “I am a Pilgrim”, and it works here. I am on a PC running XP. I know nothing about Macs, but in the PC world, what you are describing sure looks like an association problem. That is to say a “TEF” file is not associated with TablEdit. Just for trying it out, I have reattached the file I downloaded. Ideas for troubleshooting:

  1. downloading the one attached to this message
  2. verify you can open other TEF files on your system
  3. Uninstall and reinstall TablEdit
  4. Can you manually launch TablEdit and open the file?
  5. Update Tabledit

As I said, I know nothing of the mac, so the amount I can help is limited.

Anyone else out there running a Mac that can try it out?

I just tried it on my mac-book and it downloaded form the site and works fine. The One Mike put here works also.

ok so that attached file worked as it should and all my other downloaded tef files work as they should it is just recently started doing this when I click the link on the website???

Good deal. I am glad it’s working for you. Unfortunately, I have no idea what changed. I’ll remove the test file.