If that’s what he’s trying to say, I’m still not getting it.
Did you happen to listen to the counting on the 140bpm backing track and compare it to the tab? Would that count have provided you with all the information you needed to land your first pickup quarter note in the right spot on the first time ever listening to the backing track? If so, can you explain your thought process.
For example, you hear the 1,2, then the 1,2,3. What math or conversions have you done in your head, or what about the count tells you that right now is the time to lay down that first pick-up note.
How would this count in change if there was only 1 pickup note, say 2 8th notes, instead of 3 quarter notes?
With potatoes, I’d definitely be fine. They are logical structures that conform to the measures. I don’t see how a count of 1,2,1,2,3 is logically connected to a quarter note starting on the 2nd beat of a pickup measure.
I feel like this count-in is the equivalent of playing the following potatoes:
dah dutta dah dutta dah dutta dah
And then playing the 3 pickup notes.
Instead of:
dah dutta dah dutta dah
and then playing the 3 pickup notes.
Am I looking at this count in all wrong, is it not supposed to be the equivalent of potatoes? Or it is, and I just am completely not understanding it.