Hi Mike,
this is what makes music so fun!
You have choices!
If you find only one lick in the other breaks that you like better than the one in the same place in the first break you can replace it.
sometimes it only takes replacing a few licks to change a break enough so that you can now play two breaks to the song instead of just one. (this is done a lot)
Or you can choose to play play two or three completely different breaks.
The choices are all yours…you can mix and match if you want to …it’s part of what gives you your own sound.
Ben’s lessons are simply tasteful examples of what you might choose to play, and are arranged so you are generally playing within a certain skill set at a given time.
This is one of the big reasons he has the “bag o licks” lessons…to teach that it is OK to mix, match and replace things, to create your own versions of what his lessons might start.