Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Discuss the Banjo lesson: Banjo Forward Roll Study

Thanks for the pointers Ben. Appreciate it. I expect you’re right. I practiced strumming through the chord progression stunning to see if the chord changes were holding me up and no problem there. I’ll work on it :slight_smile:


well really hit the lesson today I have been do
ing self teaching for some time and getting started here I can see is really going to help, (played the trumpet in high school) it has been a long time that i was under a music teacher. to help with this lesson and my timing I downloaded a metronome app, and I’m up to 100bpm and looking forward to getting up to the tempo set in the lesson really enjoying this. PS I’m a 64 year old beginner lol.


Hi David, I took up the banjo at 61 and I haven’t put it down since that was 12 years ago. banjo This is a great place to learn and all the folks here are so friendly. hat_wave


Thanks Archie us youngons got to stick together


Howdy well working on forward rolls change most everything as recommended by Ben. Two problems one I some time deading little finger on bridge and two as I move my index finger back to hit next note I sometimes hook the string with back of pick

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Hi David.

Anchoring the the ring and pinkie on the head is is a hotly debated topic among banjo players. I too touch the bridge with my pinkie on occasion. I aim to keep the pinkie and the ring on the head for most of the time but as my pinkie is a little shorter than it should be due to an old injury it has a tendency to hover above the head.

If your pinkie is deadening the tone then I guess your putting way too much pressure on the head/bridge. This is something your going to have to fix on your own through trial and error. Try moving you’re hand position a little forward of the bridge. But check out this lesson first.

Hooking the string with the back of the pick is often down to the pick design and you’re angle of attack.

What I do is cut off a chunk of plastic from the wrap end and reshape and smooth with an emery board.

I guess others may care to share their tips on this problem.


Howdy Archie, I’m one of those that cNt anchor my ring finger and I am working to placing my hand at the same place ever time. Hooking the string my picks are steel I am trying to wear them closer to my finger tips


Hi David, As I recall it does take a while to learn to anchor. What I did was put the ring finger on the head play a roll for five minutes then put just the pinkie down practice for five and repeat the process. I did this every day for about a month by the end of which I could play with both fingers down, but since my pinkie is a tad shorter than it should be it tends to float. I think in a way this gives me a slight advantage as I can swap between fingers as one gets tired.

Ah! So the pick that is getting caught up is a finger pick and not the thumb pick as I’d assumed. If that is the case then maybe your poking you’re fingers too far in between the strings. If you could post a video I am sure @BanjoBen should be able to help offer some advice.


Thanks Archie, I am working of how to make/post a video. am looking for an 8n year old to teach me. as for the picks I use all steel thumb as well now that I changed how I hold and hand placement it’s like starting all over. I refitted the finger picks the problem has of hooking has gone away(for now) I do thank you so much for your support as I am a new member. I am a perfectionist always have been so sometimes the practice go great some times it drives me nuts. getting back to playing in a steady tempo (haven’t done so cense high school 1974) is a challenge you recommendation to another player of slow for 10 min then add 5 pbm is helping thanks again, keep on pickin.


Hi David, My advice is to get a plastic thumb pick or a Blue Chip thumb pick where there is some flexibility in the blade. I started with a metal thumb pick which clicked a lot and I found I had a tendency to snap the strings using a metal thumb pick.

The easiest way is to create a You Tube account and uploaded your video to You Tube then post the link here. on the site.

We were all new once David. Lot’s of folks helped me over the years so it’s my time to give something back to the community.

Let me see 1974, I was stationed in Dortmund Germany about to be posted back to the UK as a military training instructor. when you were in high school.


I’m from Shanksville PA ( 9-11) grad high school in 74 joined army infantry 74 to Berlin A3/6 out army 78 joined navy 78 submarine service retired 95.I tried the plastic thumb pick and didn’t like it then will check them out again .


I tried a shed load of different picks until I finally settled with the Jim Dunlop clear plastic pick.


looking forward to trying all the picks lol will look into the JD pick my steel one is a Dunlop as well


howdy all well a great looking day here in the PA hills, first full week working on the forward rool lesion, and re-teaching myself ( I have a lot of bad habits) working on the 110 bpm but still making mistakes so will not move up in tempo. Question should I start working on the backward roll with the forward roll or wait till I am up to 170 pbm of better on the forward roll. I am looking at it two ways. 1 stay with the forward only till prefect. 2 work on both so fingers know both as i move forward.


Hi David, Yes work on the other rolls, Play them slow and accurate, In time you will learn to mix them up. Speed will come on it’s own when you can play the rolls on autopilot - without having to think through the process - We all make mistakes, I still make mistakes even after twelve years. Just except the fact an move forward.

Put speed at the back of your mind and focus on playing slowly, cleanly and accurately.


Will do I’m going to start barkward roll with the forward this week so by the end of next Sunday I should bee NUTS lol


Hi Archie, any advice on proper technique to pick the strings with 1st and 2nd fingers? I note in the lessons that Ben’s fingers only move from the knuckle.


Hi Dale, Not really sure what you are asking here. @BanjoBen is the teacher here not me,

I don’t see Ben’s fingers only moving from the knuckle as you suggest. What I see is movement on each joint of the finger. As for giving advice on proper technique I would advise you to watch and listen to Ben he has spent a lot of time and effort to record these videos and they are jam packed with the best advice possible.

If you’re having trouble picking the strings post a video. Let Ben see what your doing, if your doing it wrong he is the best person to correct things. Like you I am one of Ben’s students, I have been his student longer than most so I can often predict what he is likely to say when folks are looking for help quickly and I try to help out until Ben is available to answer. Most times I get it right but on some occasions I get it wrong. Sometimes I don’t have an answer and just let Ben or one of the other students answer the query.

On this occasion I’ll leave it to Ben to respond


Start working on them all! Good job!


I have some movement in all my knuckles but most from the middle knuckle, yes.