Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Close To Home Kudos

Ben…I downloaded Close To Home last week and I have listened to nothing else, nothing, since! I love it, great music, singing and it’s very inspirational. A great way to worship while driving to work.

There are a few songs on there I haven’t heard before…are any PH originals?

I agree! Really great music. I love your sisters voices, they sound fantastic together, like one big voice.

I downloaded the album a couple days ago and I must say I am glad it is not vinyl, otherwise I would have a groove wore in the thing by now. This is now one of my favorite gospel albums. The vocals are awesome and the pickin is some of the best. After listening to you guys on YouTube for quite a while, I must say the addition of a bass totally transformed your sound and the variety of other instruments were just very well done.

Keep up the good work and I can’t wait for the next album.

Is the album that is for sale through the site here an actual CD or is that something you download? I like to have a CD.

Thanks Ben! Can’t wait!

Just adding my kudos… I love it. You and your sisters did a great job. I also like all the additional help you got… that’s some high powered talent. I look forward to making it to a show someday.

Just got it today, very good sounding album, so far. Listened through quickly once and am now stuck on How Deep the Fathers Love For Us. I’ve probably listened to it 30 times today. Think I’ve got it almost figured out. I believe ya’ll are playing it in C with a 1-4-1-5 pattern. Correct? I keep thinking I’m hearing some other chords/changes, but then thinking maybe your just “walking” to the chords? Anyway, great cd, loving it so far!

I did the same thing when I got the album. It was just before Easter and “How Deep…” was just perfect. Of course Ben can provide the real skinny, but what I came up with for the intermediates was a progression of C Em F C Am G.

Thanks Ben,
That’s interesting the time sig is written like that. You all make it flow perfectly. Instead of 4/4 + 6/4, the way I count it in my head is as straight 5 during the verses (with the last measure of each verse pair shortened to 3). So instead of 4 + 2 + 4, I feel 3 + 2 + 3 + 2. The same number of beats, just a different grouping. Then for the part where the piano comes in for the interlude after the first two verses, I count as 4 measures of 3. It works for me. I love the drums, it makes it feel totally natural and I think that might be where I picked up the 3 + 2 feel. But again, the cool thing is that you all make it flow so well, I don’t have to count.

An yes, the accordion is awesome! It’s like a mini-bagpipe drone. The vocals are great. I also love how with the composition and mixing you roll right into “Be Thou my Vision.” You (and everyone on the track) did do a great job of not overplaying and it was noted when I was talking about the album to a friend. I think the way I described it was “tastefully understated.” The whole album is great, but the back to back to back tracks How Deep the Father’s Love, Be Thou my Vision and Old Rugged Cross seem like they just couldn’t be any better. It’s a subjective thing, but those three tracks flow together perfect for me. The arrangement on all three is just stellar. “Be Thou my Vision” is very innovative, but true to the traditional tune. Great job!

Yes, I finally quit hitting the back button and Mike is correct the flow into Be Thou My Vision is very nice on the ears.

I know that it’s probably to late for this cd but I’ve got an idea/wish for ya’lls next one. I downloaded the cd from Itunes and love the convenience and ease of Itunes, however in some cases I really wish I had the booklet. I have downloaded cd’s from Itunes before that have a downloadable version of the booklet with it. I wish I had a copy of it with this cd because you and your sisters play multiple instruments and I like to know who’s playing what on which songs. Also, sometimes it seems I’m hearing more than 3 instruments, so I’d like to know if someones playing with ya’ll. I didn’t know if maybe there was someway you could post a copy of the cd’s booklet on here or if it’s already posted somewhere else? Thanks a lot.


— Begin quote from "tacs5"

…maybe there was someway you could post a copy of the cd’s booklet on here

— End quote

Here you go. I copied the liner notes, so we can keep Ben at the video editor. :smiley:

It’s a .pdf file, but I had to zip it in order to attach it to this post.

Thanks a lot ldpayton!

I really feel lucky, I’ve got a signed copy, probably be worth big bucks someday!

— Begin quote from "jiminkansas"

I really feel lucky, I’ve got a signed copy, probably be worth big bucks someday!

— End quote

I had a signed copy. Now it’s in my wife’s car. That’s ok, we’ll take her car when we go to eat tonight :slight_smile:

Dude!! That guitar break on “Be Thou My Vision” is SMOKIN’!

Ha! Just thought I’d chime in to say how much I love the album. Great job guys!!