Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Can't download lesson on chrome windows 11

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Woah there, partner!

It looks like your browser doesn’t support this feature. You might consider upgrading to one of these browsers in order to take full advantage of this site.


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Hi Steven, I see you’ve just joined as a Silver Pick Free Membership. Some lessons might not be available to you. As a Silver Pick member you are allowed to unlock up to three lessons for FREE but certain courses require paid Gold Pick Membership to access. Let us know how you get on.

Chrome works just fine in Windows 10. You should be able to access the site with Edge not my favourite browser.

I don’t think it’s a membership issue; I just tried to store a lesson offline as well and I get the same error message. (Chrome, MacOS Mojave)

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Thanks @Michael_Mark I never download lessons I always access them online. If my memory serves me correctly there has been issues in the past with downloading lessons @Mark_Rocka should be able to advise.

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I can confirm. Both Edge and Chrome in Windows 11 are failing the “browser” check for downloading the lesson offline.

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Here are the User Agent strings from my chrome/edge in Windows 11 (if it helps the folks that need to update the code):

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36 Edg/96.0.1054.62

Given that, I would suspect the problem is with the media player in Windows 11. Video’s play fine in Windows 10 using the Chrome browser. I have resisted upgrading to Windows 11

Unfortunately, the Download Lesson has never been a fully functioning part of the site. Ben is already working on the next iteration of the site. The hope is that the Download Lesson function will be fully operational at that time. There’s no timeline for rollout as of yet.


I’ve had the same issue when trying to download lessons on Chrome with Windows 11. So, I ended up switching back to Windows 10 and haven’t had any issues since. If you’re having trouble with the latest version of Windows, it might be worth considering switching back to an earlier version that works better for you. And if you do decide to switch to Windows 10, there are some helpful tips on Reddit for getting the most out of the system. For example, using a Reddit thread with Win 10 product key has helped me troubleshoot issues and get my system running smoothly.

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Hello Lacey, welcome to the forum!

Waaaait… You downgraded to Windows 10? Whatever floats your boat, I guess. However, I would not recommend downgrading to Windows 10 for most people, especially not while trying to fix a website issue, of all things. Try a different browser instead. I’m on Linux, so YMMV, but Firefox is the only browser that I have gotten to work with BB downloads (although I have not touched the Google spyware that is Chrome).

Shameless snoops would manage it by any means! A few days ago, I just browsed a commercial website (bumblebee) at my brother’s suggestion using firefox but then it started to send out email advertisements!