Hey folks!
Here’s a video we did for my Dad who’s not been well recently. (He IS making a decent comeback for a 93 year old though ). He lives far away, and we send videos to cheer him up. It’s working! I was told he sings along, full of smiles! (That’s the reason we did this one in key of C, and just kept rolling it along for him to sing with) We hadn’t played it before this recording, and threw it together quickly as evident in the many missed notes etc… He enjoyed it though!
The point is, if you know someone that could use a little cheer, or someone you haven’t seen in a while (quarantine, long distance, illness, is alone, etc) send em a piece of your music. It doesnt have to be spot on perfect. They’ll appreciate that it came from you, and that you were thinking of them . Link below: