Here’s a quick question for @Dragonslayer and all you guys who have written originals.
So I am essentially a musical robot; a musical copy-machine if you will. A lot of people might think I’m a typical creative musician, especially since I play by ear, but I actually just synthetically copy whatever I hear and rearrange it in semi-creative ways.
Of course, ever since I started playing guitar 5 years ago, I have been trying to write songs. I mean, that’s just what you’re supposed to do as an amateur acoustic guitarist; you write some originals. But over 5 years of trying to write instrumentals (or lyrics for that matter) I have come up with nothing… and I actually mean nothing. Not “nothing good”, not “nothing I’m happy with”, I mean literally nothing.
I can come up with random chord progressions, sure, but no kind of melody or cohesiveness at all. I can just start playing around with chords and licks on four different instruments, but I always end up subconsciously playing some song or melody I’ve heard before, I guess because I’ve so immersed myself in pure listening and tried to absorb everything I can. This resulted in good competence for improvising solos on the fly, but leaves me with no abstract creativity for melodies, etc.
So you who come up with your own melodies and lyrics, do you use a process, or do things just pop into your head?
Actually, it could be that every good song has already been written, because surely there’s a limit.