In the new year, I plan on doing a music-centered Podcast. I am currently putting this question out to all my music friends…
“What is ONE thing you wished you knew more about to make you better at what you do when it comes to your music?”
Ok - it doesn’t HAVE to be one thing… you can give an entire laundry list of things you would like to know. And it DOESN’T have to be music theory related… it can be questions related to recording at home - it can be gear-specific questions, software-related questions - anything at all that relates to the music YOU make.
My intention is to develop series-related podcasts where I record a series of podcasts on a single topic for a month. One topic per month, split into weekly installments. These topics can be the use of music theory in our various worlds (church, bluegrass, composition etc) to recording tips and tricks for the home studio.
So… twelve topics each with four or five podcasts (depending on the month) for the twelve months of 2023.
I do not intend to duplicate what I have done or will do for Ben on this site pertaining to music theory, but want to develop a series of podcasts that travel on the periphery of what I teach here in the music world.
I am discovering that as I have retired from classroom instruction, my desire to teach has not lessened. If anything I want to do it more - just not in a classroom. This podcast will become my outlet, along with what I am doing for and with Ben.
As this is quite possibly my favorite community in the world of the Interwebs (what my Dad used to call the Internet), I value the input of this community.
Feel free to post here or to send me an email to