Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

What keeps you going

hahaha - Which “cousin” is this?

Is that a Kilt - WHAT?

Thank God for that blurry spot!


I was going to make a comment - but just couldn’t find a way to “go there” without worry of having a flag registered… haha.

I’m not so sure we shouldn’t be earning our FLAG Badge… but yes… agreed!

Every last one of you can blame @Archie for the series of videos coming soon.


uhh ohh what have archie set in motion now :smiley:
are you gonna teach bagpipes

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I’ll glad to support you Ben. Don’t like the idea of you out there busking for a living. Girl Scouts beating you up and taking your tips and all.

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Wow! I’m really grateful for all of those kind words, Will. Even at 15 months, my boy is already a cool kid. He LOVES music, and I may be imagining it, but he seems to have rhythm. He likes to bounce to music, so I’m hoping I have a little musician on my hands.

I’m digging your get together idea. Kinda reminds me of the old Saturn car homecomings that company used to have with all of their Saturn owners. Only ours will be louder… and funner. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wildwood Flower seems a popular tune to bounce along to.


Hey, I know both of those tunes. I’ll have to try 'em out.

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You can add a little bounce to your pickin too

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Hilarious! Your a brave man to wear a kilt on the internet.


The fact that I’ve never been satisfied with just listening to music. I have always imagined myself playing the stuff I listen to. In my teenage years I was addicted to Jimi Hendrix, not because the music was popular, but because his music was different. To me his music took more talent to learn than a lot of other stuff I could have chose to try and learn. Bluegrass is a lot like that to me, it is different and difficult therefore I like it

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Do you think @BanjoBen could tab out Purple Haze on the Banjo?

Like this?


That’s proof you can find anything on the internet! So In summary Banjo Ben and Jimi Hendrix keep me going:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


FUN! As long as it’s fun and I’m luv in it I’ll keep Pick’n & Grinn’n. And I don’t see that changing.


Knowing that your banjo audio has been deleted from the “Video Swap” (even though it probly shouldn’t have been there anyway). Al’ya (jackpine savage slang for y’all) can’t get rid of me that easy!

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Did y’all pick up on the Smoke On the Water riff at 1:57?

Some nice pickin’ in spots.

I reminds me of one of my EYBM (Expand Your Banjo Mind) topics of non-traditional songs that we would like to hear in a Banjo cover…

Cool Share…

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A few years back I had the honor of attending a banjo clinic featuring Allan Munde and Bill Evans. During an intermission (can"t say “break” lol) I played some of @BanjoBen s Allan Munde version of “Redwing”. Allan was looking at his phone and when I got a ways into the song he looked up from his phone and when I finished he smiled and said “that was purty good”… We talked a little about @BanjoBen and the website and there was no doubt about the bond these guys share. My biggest motivation for playing is that smile that is as clear today as it was back then


I really like this story! Thanks for sharing Doug!

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