It’s live now! Gold Pick members received a coupon code for a $25 discount…really excited about this! You can click HERE to register!
We’ll be using the bluegrass song “I Know What it Means to be Lonesome” in the key of G to teach some concepts. Once registered, click HERE to download a chord chart, Nashville Number chart, and a jamtrack to begin playing with.
You can see some popular recordings in the links below.
Boone Creek
Flatt & Scruggs
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (in the key of G)
If you experience any technical issues during the live event, read the comments below!
Video Quality Issues/Freezing Video
- You can select the gear icon in the bottom right of the video and change the quality. 1080p is the highest resolution. The higher resolution, the higher speed internet is required. Therefore, if you are experiencing blurry video, try selecting a lower resolution.
- If the video starts to buffer or freeze, it may be your internet connection. Give it a few seconds and if the problem persists, refresh the page. If the internet speed is on our end, we’ll work to correct that as able. Watch the chat for any messages from an admin.
Audio Issues
- If you can’t hear the audio, try listening to something else on your viewing device to verify it is in fact the live video that has no audio. Playing another audio source can verify it’s the output settings on your device and not the live stream. If other sources play audibly, there is a speaker icon in the video frame that can be muted. Make sure you’ve not muted the volume! If the problem persists, leave a comment to make sure you are or aren’t the only one experiencing audio loss!
- If using headphones, some devices require you to change the “Sound Output” settings in your device. The default in this setting is typically your device speakers, so if you are using an external audio device, ensure you have selected the proper output setting.
Live Stream Interruption or Disconnection
- We live in a crazy world, folks. Sometimes our connection to you can be cut due to severe weather, alien interference, or other rare circumstances that find themselves occurring in East Texas. If you lose the stream at any point, try refreshing the page and/or rebooting your internet connection. If the event is down on our end, we will email you a backup link. Keep your email handy and watch out for a new link if this does happen. We don’t believe we will have to utilize this process, but we have a good plan if so!
Remember, always ask yourself “is it me?” when you experience an issue with your connection, video quality, or audio. Sometimes a simple refresh of the page or a quick device inspection on your end can save you a headache. That being said, please feel free to leave a comment on the event chat feed! We want you to have the best experience possible, and someone on the chat may have experienced what you are experiencing.
Also remember, this entire event is being recorded. So, if you experience an issue with your equipment or internet speeds, you’ll be emailed the entire recording in the coming days.
- If these steps do not resolve your issue, please text us at 615-512-6549.