Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Video How-To?

Hey @Dragonslayer, @Michael_Mark or anyone else who knows how to do this, could someone possibly do a video (like record your screen maybe?) of how you create video collaborations of yourself playing (or with others)? For example, say your recording yourself singing and playing Amazing Grace. You record yourself playing guitar, mandolin, and banjo as well as singing. Should you mix the audio first and then match it to the videos? And what program do y’all use? I’ve learned how to mix audio on Garageband, but I’ve yet to figure out how to make a video work when you have multiple videos you want to mix in. Does that even make any sense???


I’ll get on this! Scotty @oaklymaple was mentioning recording something with me anyway… should be fun!!! :grinning:


Thanks so much! I wasn’t quite sure how to word it, but I’ve been wanting to learn how to do this for a while. My sisters and I really want to pull in video now that I have mixing audio down pretty well, so I would really appreciate any help I can get!


As long as you don’t mind waiting a bit that is… with the timeline for my video production I have no idea when this will be done :laughing:


Of course, this isn’t urgent. I’m just grateful for any help I can get!

I think it’s also going to be neat to see how people put their video montages together.


I do that all the time, I could try.


So you want to record the audio separately and then make videos to go over it? That’s what I’ve done with the last couple that I’ve made. A lot of people have asked how I do it, so I could try to make a video showing it. If I can find a good screen recording app.


Great request @theCrazyEight !
I’d like to learn that as well👍

I know most folks use computers - and I think, not sure, but I think @Mason_Crone also has a way to combine videos using a phone app… ?


Yep, I do it all on my phone. I don’t have a computer so I had to find a way :joy:


I have done several different methods from ridiculously simple, (also low production value) up to the better quality stuff I have today.
I’ll try to figure out how to do it in a video next time I do it


Haha, yup, remember our 1st Christmas Member Collab - ‘Away in a Manger’? I’m guilty of the low production value on that… a video of me playing along with a video of you (playing on the TV) & all recorded on phones … :grimacing:
It was fun nonetheless & I’m thankful to have had the opportunity!


That was what I was referring to. Although now that I think of it, I didn’t make that. But yeah, it was fun, especially cuz it actually turned out really well.


I’m used to computer than phones, so I used audacity to mix audio tracks. But then garage band in my iphone looked cool too. So just looked at the user manual and learnt how to import audio tracks into it. I believe @Mark_Rocka uses it for his audio part of video.

While we wait on our experts’ views on this subject, here is how I would approach.

  1. Choose a tempo using a metronome (inbuilt or otherwise) and record a melody of a song for reference.
  2. Play the reference audio in a background and record each instrument or music separately using iphone or using a condenser mic (I use Yeti Blue) into a computer, and create separate audio tracks.
  3. Open (create) a new song in GarageBand.
  4. Import each track into the newly opened GarageBand song adjusting volume, adding sounds effects etc. separately for each track and mix them to create a new song.
  5. Play the thus created song OR play each track separately and record the videos (using iphone or other cameras) for the multiple tracks.
  6. Use a video editor (Premiere Pro?? or free software) for arranging the videos, for replacing sound with the audio mix, for creating visual effects, etc.
  7. Release the video in forum! :slight_smile:

Feel free to chime in!

For multi-camera recording scenario, I would probably look into @Mr_G’s recommedation in addition.


I’m really not sure how to go about it. Should I take videos of my playing and then separate the audio and mix that separately? Or shoudl I mix audio and video at the same time? It would be nice to learn how to switch frames so I can show myself playing guitar and my sisters on their instruments too.


That’s what I did for my last couple videos. I recorded the audio in the car and then made videos to go over it. So what you’re hearing is me playing, but it’s not what you’re seeing. This is how pros make music videos. The way I do it, is I make the audio first and get it all mixed and finished. Then I turn on a metronome very loudly at the same speed that my audio is, and I record myself playing the song on each instrument. I take all the videos and I put the prerecorded audio over them. To get the video in sync with the audio, I just listen to both and adjust until they’re perfectly together. Then I mute the video, so all you hear is the prerecorded audio. I do this with all the clips until I have an entire video. It’s a long process :joy: This is how I did my Rocky Top video if you’ve seen it. And if you don’t want a fancy music video, you could just video yourself when you record it and put those together.


So is there a way to split the audio from the video, mix it, and then lay it back over the video? Also, what program/app do you use for the video portion? I use Garageband for audio and that seems to work really well. Thanks for the help, @Mason_Crone! I think I’m going to have to experiment with this a lot.


I prefer to record “live”, AKA I’ll film it and record the audio I want in one go.


Then…? Do you mix separately or together? And with what app/program?

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I use an app called Video Maker. I’m pretty sure you could separate the audio from the video if you wanted to.


Is that for windows or apple?