Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Useful info - Four Common Tunings for Banjo - Jim Pankey

Four Common and Useful Tunings for Bluegrass Banjo

So here is a quick heads up for all you new banjo players out there who are stuck in G. Courtesy of Jim Pankey


I’m starting to mess around with alternate tunings, but don’t really know where to go after I re-tune. The chords are different shapes and it’s like I never picked up a banjo.
I suppose somewhere there are are tabs for Cripple Creek in Double C tuning or songs I should be playing in D tuning. I’m struggling to use my limited knowledge of fretboard geogrphy to find the music.
But those alternate tunings sound really cool!


Fingerings are a little different but once you begin to figure out where things are it’s like opening a cookie jar when mothers not looking. Drop C is fairly easy you mostly don’t fret the 4th string just keep it open and let it ring. Great for hammer-ons the twang really sings out. Just noodle around on the first two/three strings and see what happens. D tuning is awesome. slide & hammer ons Tunes like Ruben & John Henry dont get too hung up on fingering just slide and hammer and see what you can find I tell you the first time I tried D tuning it was like my fingers just knew where to go.

You’'ll find tabs on the Banjo Hangout and @BanjoBen has some lessons in Drop C also check out Casey Henry’s YouTube channel she does a few tunes in alternate tuning. Not as detailed as Ben but she does walk you through part of the lessons also Jim Pankey and others on the web.


Ever since I watched Alison Brown on Deering Live, I’ve been messing around with Double C tuning. She said you can almost play “Here’s Comes The Sun” on open strings. Of course, she’s correct, and I’ve had a ball playing the opening measures!


Tony Ellis is the king when it comes to Double C Tuning. I thinks Alison brown was greatly influence by Tony

This is just a taster there’s a ton more video’s out there on YouTube