Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Tuning 5th string up to A, will it cause issues

Picked up my banjo today, and when using the railroad spikes on the fifth string, I noticed a new fifth string buzz. This wasn’t there the last time I played. It rained a bunch and cooled down overnight, maybe the weather changed? Maybe the strings are old? Anyway, when capoing the banjo at the 2nd fret, if I just use the tuning peg to tune my 5th string up to A, can that cause any sort of damage to my tuning machine or anything else I’m not thinking about? I don’t think so, but this is where I come to ask my dumb questions. Thanks you guys!

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Hi @Shad When I use my Fender I tune my fifth string up to A a lot. Because I don’t have a 5th String Capo or RR Spikes fitted. Not had many issues doing this except when using light strings which seemed to snap more frequently. My best advice is don’t exceed past A or the string is likely to snap.

I believe there is one down side to retuning the 5th string to A. I seem to recall many years ago trying to play one of @BanjoBen 's lessons which involved fretting the 5th string further up the neck. Something didn’t sound right. My memory isn’t as sharp as it once was but I believe @Mark_Rocka gave a sound explanation of why I was having a problem. Alas I can’t remember what the lesson was but in short I needed to capo my fifth string.

Maybe @Mark_Rocka can jump in here and recall the reason.


If it’s a new buzz, it could very well be due to the temperature change, etc. If it’s a change in the action, a simple truss or coordinator rod adjustment may solve it:

I know it is also possible for a temperature/humidity change to affect frets… it may be a good idea to let a luthier take a look at it if the buzz persists after adjusting action/relief.

Tuning the 5th string up to A shouldn’t cause any problems with your banjo, but it will raise the probability of the string breaking.

@Archie this the one?


Nice catch @Michael_Mark

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Thanks! Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t about to mess something up!


Man, I forgot about that conversation. I sure had a lot more patience in my youth. :laughing:

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