Hi from Harv…
I’ve been a Gold member for many years…
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to learn a thing … and it’s not your fault…
I’m self taught… 50 years playing guitar… Medium level fingerpicker… Play by ear…
That being said… I have ADD and Dyslexia…
I would love to be able to learn… Tab would be a great place to begin… However, I have to visualize… in live time … the orientation the tab graph has to my instrument fretboard… Not only that… But which direction the tab music is scrolling past …
If this sounds complicated… Understood that I’m frozen in this challenge…
When I begin a tab line … it takes me 10 minutes to visualize that orientation… But I can’t keep that picture in my head and play at the same time…
Others may find a similar challenge…
I believe one thing could help immensely…
An outline of the instrument with tab in heavier ink on top of it… A copy of that outline could be repeated from beginning to end of the tab.
Thank you for your consideration…
All the best…