Unfortunately no, I don’t think Windows apps can be made to work on an iPad… at least not easily.
Tracking My Practice Time
very easy to just keep track of it all on Xcell or Google Sheets.
Yeah, my current spreadsheet works fine but if I was punching a clock I’d really feel like I was going to work.
— Begin quote from "ldpayton"
but if I was punching a clock I’d really feel like I was going to work.
— End quote
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Oh, it’s a good thing. I can’t goof off when I’m on the clock or I might get fired. I just need to find a practice supervisor to kick my butt when I’m not being productive enough.
In a land far away and in a time no one knows any more , I used to play and practice 7 hours a day for 5 days and worked a seven day work schedule, a lot of 12 hour days in there . but now that I am retired I like clutter and disorganization so much I am totally disorganized . I do a lot of playing and practice though but nothing as structured as keeping track. I have the nice thing here and that is if I don’t like the tune I will not learn it . I have limited time left as I am at the 70 mark and I can be picky about what I learn because I am not getting paid for playing . I kind of tire easy so I do have to wait on energy to come my way LOL . so I might be lost in the disorganized world of disorganization spilling ever down ward in to the pit of missing notes and adding ones that are not there. The main thing is to enjoy what we do and no matter how hard we work at it it makes little difference because we enjoy it . we tend to not get tired and look forward to another day when the case will be opened one more time, and as the strings begin to warm in our hands we enjoy it again . Always remember to put your own twist on music it is just another way of bringing it out and you might find something that really really sounds great. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to play like someone ,just remember to thy own self be true. Enjoy it!!
— Begin quote from "welder4"
In a land far away and in a time no one knows …
look forward to another day when the case will be opened one more time…
as the strings begin to warm in our hands we enjoy it again
— End quote
That’s some poetry right there… a little polish and I think you could make it a song.
With a little tweaking that might fit into the new netgrass project.
Great thought Larry! I think it would work.
Use it LOL , that’s what it is all about enjoy what you can . If I had to track my practice time it would take a team of blood hounds 24/7 and I would still not find it . Excuse me while I break in to my next endeavor " Keep on the sunny side" love that tune and now I can try to learn it.
In a land far away and in a time no one knows …
look forward to another day when the case will be opened one more time…
as the strings begin to warm in our hands we enjoy it again. hearing the pick strike the strings music fills the air, can we have a better time? From Wildwood flower to Jimmy Brown we go , looking for another tune of not so long ago. someone before us left all these notes laying around for us to pick up and lay them down , so pick with gusto and play that tune again it is my favorite. fingers sore well thats a shame just please one more refrain.
Now my name is not Longfellow so you may have to modify it to be poetic. good luck !
I like it!
Now if we could get someone to gussy it up and put some music to it . LOL , not good at rhyming, a word added taken away might be in order or maybe it can’t be fixed I kind of wrote what I feel though out my day I do think about playing a lot . The first thing I do in the morning is pinch myself to make sure I am still alive then I pick up the guitar and start practicing and sometimes I start with a tune I know already . Heavy in to “Keep on the sunny side” and enjoying learning that one . A mix of mostly down strokes 1/4 notes and 1/8 it is a good lesson from the stand point of learning note values . The longer I use tab the more proficient I become reading and playing what I hear and see. .Learning has become fun for me in the last year . it was drudgery until I found this site and now I understand more about what needs to happen.
I also found I have limits . But not so bad I can’t play LOL " right or wrong its going to be, every note is important to me"
— Begin quote from "Bulldog"
Maybe obsessive compulsive disorder? That probably describes a lot of us with our instruments.
I have very little organization when it comes to practice but I think its great for those who do. I work rotating shift work so actually my life in general is a little unorganized when it comes to schedules. That being said, I do get in some practice about every day. Sometimes it may be for just 15 or 20 minutes but usually I’d say I average an hour a day. I get together with my pickin’ buddy once a week and we’ll practice together for a couple of hours.
Then there are times when I spend too much time playing when I should be doing something else. Take for instance on my day off work yesterday. I had planned to spend all morning cleaning out and organizing my little shop. What should have been a 2 or 3 hour job ended up taking all day because I’d work a little, get bored, come in the house and grab a guitar or mandolin for half an hour. Guess that could qualify as a mild case of OCD.
— End quote
The guitar has been the ruination of many a young lad . (humor)