Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Time to Put it To Use

I agree Mike. I’m guessing it is a miss-print.

In most cases I’ve found the simple run of the bottom 4 notes in pos. 1, or the R, b5, R run straight up 3 strings, work to cover a dim chord on a Bass.

Well there is “diminished” and “half diminished” chords. If you take the D minor (in the key of C) and put a B in the bass you will get a B half diminished chord, or a Bm7b5, which will work as the “2” in a “2-5-1” in A-minor… Hopefully that meant some kind of sense…


I always use diminished chords for laughing, you can get an evil laigh up and down the neck going chromatically. The laugh of Lon Chaney or some old horror film, the music to those uses diminished chords a lot. going up the neck go slow one fret at a time and when you get around the 10th fret go back down faster . it is sort like sneaking up on you and when you come back down it is if you have been had or caught. if you move that pattern up the the fourth string down to the second I believe that will make an augmented chord. going up you stop at the third time and start from there but going back you strike each chord one time each but play a tad faster going down .

I love it… we’ve gone from bluegrass to Lon Chaney flick music, and somehow it makes sense to me :smiley: