Some of you probably saw I recently got a new Deering Calico. I just can’t justify owning 4 banjos (as cool as I think that is) so I’m letting my baby of 25+ years go.
Some things to know. She’s been played… a LOT. There’s some fret wear and the hardware could use a good polishing. We’re moving, so I don’t have the time for a full tear down.
About 3 years ago, she got knocked over and the head stock cracked. It didn’t break completely off, so the repair job was easy and precise. The luthier that did the repair did a fantastic job, and said the head stock is actually stronger now than before it broke. In Ben’s words “It’ll never break THERE again.” She lives!
It’ll come shipped in a hard shell case, but the case is very old, and more just for protection during shipping. If you plan on going out with her often, you might want to use another case.
Here’s Jake’s input on the value:
“After checking around with a couple guys who nerd out on these, and after a little Google research of my own for corroboration…it looks like your banjo in primo original condition would be upward of $1600 or so. But with the fret wear, the headstock repair, the mismatched tuners, and the rim showing some areas of separation in the laminations, I’d say probably around $1200 would be a fair price for yours. You might even find the right guy who’d be willing to go a little higher if you wanted to hold out…but my perspective is usually influenced by more of a “quick turnover” philosophy. If it were mine and I was wanting to move it soon I’d probably throw it online for $1199 to start with. But like I said, depends on your seller mentality. Some guys might want to tack on a hundred or two to hopefully fish someone really looking for that exact thing, or to have some wiggle room for bartering.”
OK, so the forum won’t allow high res pictures. PM me your email address if you’re interested and I’ll send you a bunch.
And of course, there are plenty of videos so you can hear how she sounds.
If anyone here wants her, I’ll do $1100 with free shipping in the US. I’ll be asking more when I post elsewhere.