Hey folks!
Some of you may have watched the videos my sons & I made for my Dad as he was recovering in hospital. Good news - after almost 2 months in there he’s finally been released and is doing well! We made this video for the staff to play for him when he found out he’d be released soon.
This is a song he always sang and played guitar with in a kind of “Thump Thump Thump” way. Apparently he had some very crude lyrics that he used to sing that I’ve never heard cuz mom gave him the death stare when he’d try to sing it late at nite around the campfire, so he would just sing the same chorus over and over to stay outta trouble!
Anyway, heres our version of his version. The cats are in there because when he was staying with us is when we found them as abandoned kittens that had to be bottle fed. He has not seen them since last year when they were small.
One other note
(yeah, yall know I’m long winded😖!)
False start was due to Guitar Son “having a plan”…
“Guitar Son” never sings but he wanted to sing it for his Grandad. @Mike_R - “Guitar Son” really does have an actual name, its Deven and BanjoSon is Branden !