Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

That is me 100% :joy: I love books that are set in the middle ages, like kings and knights and life-threatening situations etc. Those are always so interesting and as I read it it plays out in my mind and it’s almost like I’m watching a movie :joy:


I guess we differ there :joy: I used to love those kinda books but now I pretty much only like nonfiction.


I like both, I’ve read some biographies that I really enjoyed. Like D.L. Moody, C.S. Lewis, George Muller etc.


Fiction books are what I’m picky with. I’ll read almost any biography.


I’m much more of an information book kind of person myself.


I always loved reading Jim kjelgaard, and now i read some Pablo Yoder books but i don’t read much anymore. I almost always read an average size book in one shot, i hate having to put them down :joy:


I can read pretty fast, so large books take me only a day or two to get through. I read a LOT, and pretty widespread across genres too.


You may or may not like my book!! :smile: It’s fiction but not in the Middle Ages, and there’s probably SOME information in it; :joy: we’ll see if it keeps anyone awake til 2:30 am though…


Is it science fiction, about an alternate universe where Tony Rice isn’t the best guitar player?!!? :scream:


Close guesses. The villain is named Tony actually; he lives in the land of Dead Strings and Easy Licks.


Dead strings? Does the heroine have to steal the guitar and snap the strings back to life, saving the world?


Now I’ve given away the whole plot.


let me guess…the hero has a secret source of power that he unleashes only in time of trouble, he calls it the power of the JWs but he’s not part of a cult. ???


I would usually wake up around 10 or so, casually get up, read the bible for a little while, and then go make breakfast (around the same time all my little siblings who awake at 5am starving would be finishing their second breakfast.)
I used to check the forum at breakfast every morning. Then wash up from breakfast, and go play some instrument until lunch time. Eat lunch, wash up from lunch, and then play an instrument or read a book until mid afternoon. Ride my bicycle to the bread store to buy bread, and then usually do something active outside. Just before dark I would do a bodyweight/flexibility workout (which is why I can do the splits and a backflip) and then we would go and shower, eat dinner, wash up from dinner, and then disperse to read books or play instruments or play with legos or play chess or whatever else we felt lie doing.

Now noticeably absent is schoolwork, and that was intentional. We were/are unschooled, (which is a probable cause for my speech being occasionally difficult to grasp for individuals who have displaced so much of their intellect with ignoble pursuits such as algebraic studies or sociology)

On the subject of books, I don’t read as much anymore, since I work full time, etc. But I used to always be reading something or other. I still love reading, especially good stories. I like fantasy, fiction, speculative/historical fiction, biographies, true stories, and even historical narrative if it’s told well. I was never a particularly fast reader by wpm count, but if I start a good book I’ll put hours into it at a time, so I usually finish them fairly quickly. I used to would read about two or three books a month, if they were about twice the length of the hobbit (which is about half the length of a typical book)


If any of you ever get your hands on any book by Terri Fivash (they are all ebooks or can be found used), then I HIGHLY recommend reading them! She is an incredible writer of Biblical historical fiction, and her stories are all very well researched and as accurate as possible. Her Joseph story and Dahveed (David) series are the best I have ever read!!!


I would want to but I don’t read much as I’m a slow reader in English. But have similar taste like yours. I like Count of Monte Cristo.


The plot is very predictable, isn’t it? :wink: :wink:


Oh, that’s such a good book!

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Though I’m usually not much of a fiction person, I did read and enjoy Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I think it was written in the 80s.


I don’t believe I’m familiar with that one.