Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

I’m going to leave this conversation to the two of you, cuz I’ve got stuff I’m supposed to be doing. See ya later.


Hey! That’s not true!

Yeah it is.


I don’t, I’m home alone and bored.

All the musicians I mentioned are over 30. I guess they haven’t learned that it’s about feeling yet?

Wait, you have a life? Like… real… friends, and, stuff?..


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:joy: Well stay out of trouble. When I finish my to-do list I may get back here, we’ll see.


No, you like them because you haven’t learned that it’s about feeling yet.

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No, I have seven other siblings who dirty plates and clothes that I have to go wash! Gotta love chores.


Yep. Goats, chickens, dogs, little baby brother that you have to watch from 8:30 to 12:30 every day…

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Feeling and skill can mix, you know that right?

Yeah I know that, it’s called Tony Rice.



Bela Fleck
Jake Workman
Bryan Sutton
Noam Pikelny
Sierra Hull


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Nope nope nope, this is the rare circumstance when I actually agree with @Dragonslayer on something

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I thought you liked those people’s music

You do realize that Sierra Hull had a saxophone in her band?! a SAXOPHONE!!

Ok I do, to an extent.

I’ve only heard her playing bluegrass with Bela Fleck, and she’s super good. I’ve heard very little of her solo stuff.

I saw that video, I think she was playing with someone else’s band. Unless you’re talking about something else.

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