Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Well, Dayle died of dysentery! Unless that was Joe.

You just don’t get the reference :joy: Me and Michael were both on the stream.

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I think that was Dayle…

Yeah, and I think I’m glad not to get it!


I wanna be in the wagon next time.

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Oh, you would’ve found it funny if you were there :joy:

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I’m sure. Well, I’m off for now. Have fun.

Me too. I’m signing off for the day. Rebuke me if you see me again.

:joy::joy::joy: Me too.

Can I let you know if Gunnar jumps on though…

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Or do you not want to know :joy:

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Sorry, I already signed off. I’ll check tomorrow. Bye!

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Bye, I’m out of likes! Peace out!

Trust me, Michael, when he shows up we’ll ALL know. He’s not exactly … quiet. Bye for now.

Man i missed a good chat. Hanging out with the fam. Ya’ll have a good weekend see ya monday probably.

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Ok back to the favorite players thing… how did none of us mention Ron Stewart!?

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HEY! Shots fired!

Loren gets out his harmonica and warms up with a devastating lick…

WEEEEEELLLL I was born down in the southland!!

(*harmonica lick)

Ehh… If he switches away from Discourse, I’m not gonna complain… Discourse is kinda nasty IMO

I actually do like the UI of Discourse, but maybe that’s because I’ve gotten so accustomed to it over the years here. :sweat_smile: