Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Me too :joy:

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I think maybe some people find the same letter theme cringe :joy: I think M is a very common one for that.

That’s because you’re an only child, I’m sure.

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We have a family at church with 6 boys, all with the first initial M. They’re pretty wild :joy:

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Hmm, wonder if @Mason_Crone is related… I’m just kidding!


Mason’s way nicer than any of those guys.

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That’s nice of you to say. Or are the boys just that crazy?


Yes. :joy:

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Hey, not to brag, but I’m known as a very nice guy. :joy:Lots of middle aged women (mothers of my friends mostly) have messaged my mom telling her what an amazing young man I am. Not to brag, remember, I’m proud of my humility.


Ok, I’ll tell a funny story about one of them. The youth group was playing “Jeopardy”, and the category was simple laws or something. And it was “What goes up must come down”.
So this kid goes “Oh! The law of water!”
Everyone groaned, of course. And then he goes “No no no :man_facepalming: I know!! The law of RAIN!”

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Ok that came across very awkwardly weird :rofl:

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That was kinda the idea…:joy:


But what I said is true, as far my mom being messaged about me being a nice guy.

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That’s funny :joy:

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What humility! And yes, really awkward…

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Sorry if it was too much. It was supposed to very awkward and cocky sounding. :joy:

But Michael started it. He said I’m nice, but only compared to crazy guys. So I had to say "weeell actually…)


:roll_eyes: :joy: Of course you did!

Actually, I replied “Yes,” which implies that you are a very kind individual, and the aforementioned persons are also crazy.

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How’re my Gunnar channeling skills coming?

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