Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Watch this tonight and then watch one more each night until you finish the series. I am dead serious when i say it will rock your world as far as music is concerned.

Obviously, life is full of a lot of different situations. Sometimes negative things are a part of that, it’s just life. But when 10 out of 12 songs on an album are just about losing your lover and being depressed I think there’s an issue. Michael recommended a Lonesome River Band album to me and only one or two of the songs weren’t centered around that. The Bluegrass Album is no different. It just seems like unnecessary foolishness to center almost every song on that theme. Like I said, it’s good to tell a story through music but when every song is about negative stuff there might be an issue. I think I’m gonna make myself a playlist and fill it with all the bluegrass songs I find that I like, because there are rarely more than one or two on an album that I would care to listen to again (unless it’s Jake Workman :joy:)


I think the biggest piece it’s most of the songs about heaven is that the songwriters had the wrong viewpoints about heaven.
Heaven wasn’t created just so we can go live in a mansion. Heaven wasn’t created so we can have tea with granny again. Heaven was created for God’s Glory. Jesus is what makes Heaven Heaven
I’m not promoting our family when I share this but this is legitimately my favorite song about heaven written by my sister Brianna.
Just Think About It!


I didn’t know y’all had albums!


Yeah a couple of them are on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, etc.:joy:
Not promoting haha🤣


I’m glad for Apple Music because I rarely save albums for that very reason; I just pick and choose songs out of them. I have some really great playlists I’ve made that I just shuffle all day long!

@CalebEllis I love that song your sister wrote; just listened. Beautiful! I love songs about heaven when you believe what you’re singing - there’s nothing better. It’s the very meaning of our band name, anyway! :slight_smile:

What I was trying to say is that many standard gospel songs done by the pioneering bluegrass bands are mingled with so much unwholesome music on their recordings, that you have to wonder if they just picked what felt like an easy and comfortable topic for their gospel material… as if we’re all going to heaven, without touching on the cross and salvation. This has always been one of my favorites:


@Flatpickin_Libby I love that song! That’s one of my Pastors favorites too
So I’ve heard it a lot at church🙂


You can do the same thing on YouTube, I just started my playlist haha. I have YouTube Premium so there are no ads in between.


Sorry I don’t trust science which is the work of evil men to get you to believe a lie!!

(does no one else see the hilarious irony here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Musical styles aren’t made by scientists with lab coats sitting around a table determining what this next style is going to promote. Rock music has become associated with devilish things because its lyrics promote devilish things and because its players participate in devilish deeds.

So if you’re going to actually hold to this position, you’re going to need to define exactly at what point an electric guitar (an inanimate object) becomes evil. Are telecasters O.K. but Les Pauls aren’t? If you put distortion on the sound does it open up the wires for the devil to get in them?

There’s nothing inherently moral in the instrument. It can be a stumblingblock because of what it is associated with.

I know someone who doesn’t want to listen to jazz music because it reminds them of going to jazz bars. I can listen to jazz music with a pure conscience because I have no such visceral association.

If I say “I wish this person wasn’t murdered” are you going to condemn me for “talking about murder”?

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I should’ve known… Also, that does not look like a bluegrass album cover :joy:

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I get what your saying man but instrumentation is actually extremely important. I doubt David playing an electric guitar (or a banjo for that matter!) would have had the same soothing effect on Saul that the harp had.
God created music and Satan has had an extremely long time to learn how to manipulate it for his own use.


I don’t think any of us are saying that songs should never mention bad situations, bluegrass just has a laser focus on it.


Yep, different instruments absolutely have different effects. I absolutely agree that instrumentation is important but no instrumentation is inherently sinful and inanimate objects cannot sin. My point is just where do you draw the line. Like with the banjo like you said lol. For some reason banjos and bluegrass are a-ok. It’s subjective because different people have different inner responses which is why a church should play it safe and sing hymns, which are least likely to have a negative association with anyone. Plus the lyrics are almost always excellent with old hymns.


Again where do you draw the line? 10 mentions of negativity? 5?

Not mentioning negativity, but praising it. Plus is there a reason to write the song focused on negativity? Is that uplifting?

The entire purpose of the song - the MESSAGE - is the line.


Can you show me a single bluegrass song that praises a bad situation?