Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The Spiral Discussion. STATUS: Attention Homeschooled - A poll/survey for you!

Are you suggesting that a prime suspect (who’s initials might be MM) has done some tampering?

He knows it’s a ridiculous lie and thinks it makes him look better to make it look like anybody else agrees him him


In my opinion there is no best guitarist, it just all boils down to personal preferences, and sometimes who you like as a person honestly :joy:


How can someone edit someone else’s post? Can you really do that? :roll_eyes:

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Apparently in this case someone was able to. And I have a prime suspect.

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Unless Timothy is secretly a Tony Rice fan. AHHH

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We don’t care what Jake says cause he’s never going to say himself. Although he’s told me how he feels about Tony :slight_smile:

Yeah the only one bold enough to do that is Mark O’Connor.

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I’m pretty sure Trey Hensley and Bryan Sutton can match Jake honestly.

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Michael can you edit someone else’s posts??

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Yes true

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For some reason I could edit that one, I can’t edit any others though.

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What a violation of rights :woozy_face:


Bryan’s break in this is pretty crazy.

“Top guitar player” also refers to their contribution to the genre. How much they did for the music. Top means so many things. Besides the technically, stylistically best player. Just a point

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So I guess you value technical proficiency over general… applicability?

No, I think those that I think are the best are the best in all points - but just saying “top” does not mean someone is the best.

Here’s how I see it… Tony invented the style. It’s his creativity that started what we know as bluegrass guitar style. And that kind of creativity takes a TON of skill. Jake’s playing wouldn’t exist without Tony. I do believe that Jake has more technical skill than Tony had, as far as the difficulty of what he plays, but there should always be a respect for the father of the style no matter how far future players get.

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