Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

The humor thread (formerly Sunday funny)

Too true. What would the forum be if we didn’t have our comedians @Michael_Mark and @Dragonslayer?

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I’m a comedian??!!!

I thought I was the serious killjoy one.

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That too. But @Dragonslayer is the one who got us in trouble on the Spiral 2 thread so …

Yeah, you’re both Michael. I’m working on being a comedian.

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I guess I need to get regular first.

Yes indeed.

Yeah, I don’t even read his long novels.

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“Peradventure @Dragonslayer were to leaveth this quite perplexing plethora of youth who goeth on considering matters of humor and…” My @Dragonslayer imitation.


Maybe a witty one (like one in the king’s court) is more apt description?!

Wow so accurate :joy: You sound just like him.

I know! :joy:


Nah… that’s KJV! :wink:

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“Actually, I find @Mason_Crone’s attempt at a deriding imitation of yours truly quite futile and ineffective, especially for a rotund country boy such as himself.”

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:joy: Now who’s getting called “rotund”!

How dare you utter such an abominable sentence destroying my character? And to reverse the previous insults you have put on my name, I shall say that you are a slim city boy. Ha! Er, I mean, ha.


And I am not rotund. I’m 5’10" 185lbs. And 150 of that is muscle. I am in quite good shape, Mr Mark.

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The stuff you say is so ridiculous it’s funny.

To bad this Homeschooler didn’t understand half those words.

Oh shorty!!


I’m 6’2" and have no idea what I weigh.

I know. I wish I was at least 7’3’’