The Circle of Fifths made clear
Brilliant! That was as clear as any explanation of the Circle of Fifths I have even seen. Yep, just as clear. Absolutely. The reason it is a Circle is to make your head spin!
Here is a quick interactive reference guide you might care to bookmark
OK, that really is brilliant! Combined with the first video & I may actually understand it.
I have played with the interactive Circle, love it & have bookmarked it.
Thank you kind sir!
Maybe it’s a case of practicing until you’re ready for it, but I want to thank you again for these two links.
I have studied, listened to lessons, heard words & phrases I didn’t understand and then be asked “See, do you get it now?” All these mysterious musings of “dead monks” rattled in my brain.
Maybe I was finally ready to understand, but these two links you shared turned on that little in my head. The magnificent “A-ha!” moment had struck! I grabbed was banjo & was playing music beyond G-C&D. And finding the correct chords up the next! Thrilling!
Armed with this knowledge, the next step is proficiency.
Thanks again Archie👍
Hi @Banjoe I still don’t get it ALL but every time I watch one of these clips something just clicks. I bought a little booklet years ago explaining all this but I think I gave it to one of my granddaughters who was studying music at school at the time. Seeing all the sharps and flats around the wheel helps demystify a lot. There relationships between the notes, chords etc.
This is great stuff! I never got into playing music until well into adulthood. Without any formal music training, I have been soaking up as much of this as I can get my hands on. My favorite Banjo Ben videos are the ones that demonstrate practical music theory. Anyway. don’t mind me. I’m just going to be over here studying the Circle of Fifths.