Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

Texas banjo only cabin camp

I did a thing! :open_mouth:
I signed up for banjo only TEXAS cabin camp in October and I don’t even play the banjo. Lol! :joy:
Guess I better get busy. I did learn Cripple Creek so maybe I am qualified as a banjo player now. Lol! :joy:
Can’t wait! The atmosphere at Ben’s camps are SO much fun I have decided to take the stress I put on myself and look at it as “vacation” and whatever I learn is just an added bonus.
So WHO else is going to TEXAS banjo camp in October??? C’mon SIGN UP!


I’ll be there. Can’t wait!


That’s awesome! What better way to start? There is something to be said for learning the “correct” way first.

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Yea, i’m so glad you’re gonna be there!!!

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