I’m stoked to have some special guests coming to the Cabin soon, and hope to make it a fairly regular happening. In the next few weeks I’ll record lessons with Penny Lea (my sister) on mandolin doublestops in solos, Tony Wray on melodic crazy lick banjo, and Zeb Snyder on hybrid picking/bends on guitar.
If there’s something in particular you’d like to me to ask these folks, let me know below! Also, what do you think of the guest teacher format? Anything to change or improve? Anything you particularly like? You can see examples:
Tony Wray: https://banjobenclark.com/lessons/guitar-rhythm-with-tony-wray-guitar-advanced
Jed Clark: https://banjobenclark.com/lessons/playing-in-open-e-with-jed-clark-guitar-advanced