Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

So, I was talking with Jim Mills the other day and... I got a pre-war Gibson Mastertone

Wow! That thing rings out like a canon! Congrats on finding it. You’re going to have to become a professional player now. The banjo commands it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I loved your story, too. How cool to hang out with someone that’s been such an integral part of country music history. Thanks for sharing!


I just saw the lesson on Instagram then came straight here. That’s a great story. One I can only dream of. Congratulations, that banjo picked a good one.


Wow Maggie! That’s awesome. Can anyone tour Jim’s shop or is it only if your looking to buy an instrument?


I think he sets appointments with those contemplating selling or buying or appraising banjos. While I was there it was just Jim and me. He does a seminar on pre-war Gibsons now and then at the showroom so you could watch for that.
I want to go to his next one as well.

Of course, you could just contact him and ask him.

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What a neat neat story, @Maggie! The more trips I make around the sun the more I come to realize that it’s the stories like these that make the items we own all the more special.

In the end, this is just another one of those ways that we look at the amazing things before us - the expertise of a builder, the craft of the musician, the sound of some tightly wound strings, etc - and cause us to go: “My gracious…what a God we serve!”


Wow @Maggie, that was fun to read and listen to. Thanks for posting! He sure can make that banjo ring out, and he looks like a great guy. You’ve got ahold of a banjo treasure!


Wow, that’s really cool!


Congrats Maggie…YOU will be the talk of the town now…lol. What cool way to purchase a banjo, Im sure you could talk to Jim for hours on just about everything banjo. Soooo, i guess you are doing a video next of YOU playing it???. That banjo has such a strong sound, I know one thing… I won’t sound that good at 90, Lord willing…


Amazing Maggie what a great banjo that is there’s no excuses now…lol

Well done and thanks for sharing the great video


I have been trying to persuade @Maggie to do a video for what seems like an age. Maybe my approach is all wrong. Should I dare her to do a video?


I hereby second Archie’s proposal for a Maggie Video. :heart_eyes:


I’m telling you @Mark_Rocka , this banjo has some sort of magical powers man. I’m a great player now all of a sudden and I’m ready for the stage. On the road to Nashville, listening to Jim Mills and Earls of Leicester albums, I fantasized that I’d be in the right place at the right time and wound up on the Opry stage playing my new old banjo with Vince or Ricky or the list goes on. I was a huge hit of course and that led to bigger and better gigs, you know.

It’s a shame I’m plagued with stage fright and I’m camera shy. Oh and I’m not as good a player as I dream I am, so there’s that. But hey, one can dream.

Yeah, it was a kick to hang out with Jim indeed, great guy.


I just found out he’s no longer doing those seminars :disappointed:

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What a God we serve indeed Rance (@5stringpreacher). Because of that I’ve never been interested in having a lot of stuff, I’d rather do things and experience His gifts that are all around us. Every now and then though, there’s a “stuff” that I would like to have for the reasons you mention. That and the whole flesh is weak thing, which is true but…

It is a such a joy to play and it already has history with me, considering who’s played it since I’ve had it. I don’t even know who’s played it in the past. It could have been someone famous or a working man playing in a local town band or for his family or even a closet player like me. It’s fun to think about that.


Thanks everyone for the compliments and comments. I’m a little giddy about the whole thing and I’m bragging a lot, which is not my nature, but we all have our moments, so thanks for indulging me. I’m just living in the moment.

To those of you who keep encouraging me to do a video (@Deere_Crossing, @Archie, @_Tye_Stick, @Lee_G) , thanks and I’m certainly NOT asking you to stop. Baby steps. I just played in front of Jim Mills, that’s huge. I didn’t do a whole song or anything, just some snippets, you know while we talked, very nonchalantly. I get nervous playing with my uncle, but I’m working on it.

Cheers y’all


@Maggie the first video is the toughest after that it’s all down hill.

Here is my very first video warts and all. posted way back in 2014. I was a bag of nerves the whole way through and this was about the 100th attempt. So I know just how you feel.


I don’t see it that way at all. I love these stories, and I’m thrilled you’re sharing them with us. You’re allowing us to join in your journey. I’m seriously excited for you!


Me too


What Mark said!


Maggie… shout it from the rooftops we are all individual and unique in our own way and I’m sure you will find the confidence in your own time and like Mark says we just enjoy you sharing your journey with us all

Respect :+1: