Forum - Banjo Ben Clark

So I was talking with Banjo Ben Clark the other day and

That’s awesome. That banjo sure will inspire you to keep playing.

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Such an honor to meet you, Maggie! I surely appreciate the kinds words, but our of Jimmy, Charlie, and Ben…one of those is not quite like the others :laughing: Please come back anytime and your stories on the forum are so awesome!


Maggie I’m so jealous I’m a good way and made up that you got the dream banjo and got Ben to test drive it

Dan T is in my must see list :+1:


Great report @Maggie, thanks for sharing.


I think I’m gonna have to downsize a bit more to pay for all this. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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At this rate you’re going to have to downsize to pay for more caps!

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That’s so cool… and Charlie Daniels?! Wow! It’s like you just crammed years worth of amazing vacations into a couple of weeks!

I don’t know how you go back to regular life after all of that. Thanks for continuing to share. I have to admit I’m living a bit vicariously through you.



I don’t know how you go back to regular life after all of that. Thanks for continuing to share. I have to admit I’m living a bit vicariously through you.

I was pretty tired after all that, so I hit the sack right away. I’m done for a while so you and I both will have to live vicariously through someone else now. Maybe Gunnar (@Dragonslayer). I wonder if he’s back to Mozambique yet.

Anyone else have anything cool going on? Can Mark and I live vicariously through you?

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I think they said they were going to stay in France for a week or two before heading home. I also think Gunnar had to turn in the phone he was using here in the States, so he may be AFK for a while.

I heard that…

I’m in France right now, dependant on wifi for any internet, fortunately, there’s wifi here where we’re staying in a chateau in a small village. We’ll be headed back to Africa in a week, but won’t get to Mozambique till almost May


Oh, and Maggie, that sounds like an awesome trip! Congrats on all of it.


Oh hey, thanks for the update buddy. Enjoy your stay. Keep us posted.

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I am doing taxes…


I just spent about six weeks with kidney stones in both kidneys, along with a bruised and bleeding kidney (they blasted a little too hard)… How cool is that!?.. Not! (unless one enjoys excruciating pain).

I’m good now though!

Thanks for sharing these stories Maggie, they’re fun to read, very interesting and all well presented!

Also, congrats on that great Banjo!

Mike… Taxes huh?.. Yeah that’s way cooler, you win!



Gunnar, Isn’t that the place (chateau d’if) where Count of Monte Cristo was in?!! So now going to return with the treasure?!!!

Guys, I’m loving the Elixir strings bought from Ben’s store. Bought it couple weeks or so ago, installed it last weekend. When I played it the first time, clear tone, sounded different with a bronze or brass type of tone, different than the muffled sound i was used to. Seemed a bit hard on my fingers. I adjusted to make it closer to the fret board. Now after a week’s time when I played it this weekend, it wasn’t hard. Now I feel like how I missed using strings like this all these years, 5 years or so. Now every single string tone is very clear and sound like a much expensive guitar now, Thanks Mark, Ben, Raymond and Gunnar?? and everyone else for your advice!


With so much going on (state takes away my time indirectly), it is a stressful thing to do taxes when it is not straightforward and when expenses to include… This Friday state was asking me to do it. I have asked for more time.


I don’t believe it’s the same one. They probably would have told us if it was

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J.W., I’d say that a lithotripsy trumps doing taxes. You win!

I guess the procedure isn’t (normally) that bad, but kidney stones trump most things by themselves. You doubly win!

Glad you are doing better and I am glad that is behind you. It is disconcerting to see those colors come from your own body :flushed:

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Yeah, that was dungeon in the sea. You could visit maybe but they won’t put you in. Again I’m assuming it was real place, not just was in the story.


In all sincerity @BanjoBen , I think most here would agree that you are every bit the world class player they are. You have an impressive CV and are amazingly talented and you’re a multi-instrumentalist and had you stayed in that stage and touring world, there’s no doubt you’d be as popular if not more so - but your family life would most likely have suffered. I for one completely respect your decisions and the priorities you set and the path you took and success you’ve had. And who knows, maybe one of your students will one day go on to be a big star; wouldn’t that be something? That’s why we’re not just students, we’re fans :star_struck:

Unless of course, you were referring to Jim or Charlie, in which case - never mind :thinking: