Just curious, I’m about to order my first good pair of picks, does everyone by the wide band or narrow band? Which ones are more comfortable?
Sammy fingerpicks
Hi Justin I think I bought the wide band simply because that is the default setting in the store. I don’t think most folks would have bought two pair 1 narrow 1 wide just for comparison. The set I have are pretty comfy. Blades are a shade longer then my ProPiks which are my go to picks.
I own both. I may have an unpopular opinion, but I like the narrow bands better. They are what I have been using for about two years, though… Either way, you would probably find the wide bands more comfortable, but I thought they were almost too comfortable, if that makes any sense. I use the wide ones as a backup pair. That being said, there isn’t that much of a difference; I don’t think you can go wrong with either one. If in doubt, flip a coin.
ok thanks guys.
I am in the same boat with the questions about sammy’s. Thanks for the helpful info.
I like the wide band
I’ve been playing with a pair of narrows for probably a month now. They were the traditional design so I figured that’s what I’d go with. I have no complaints.
Wide band!
I have wide bands. They are comfortable and do not dig into my cuticles. I say this with a reservation.
I have started to play more single string licks. Some days I nail them and other days, NOT. I’m starting to consider consistent pick placement important playing single string licks. With a set of Nationals I feel the band as it hits the sweet spot. With the SS wide bands I don’t and I have to adjust. I like the sound of the SS picks the best over all the picks I have.
Maybe @Michael_Mark can comment on the pick placement consistency between the wide and narrow bands. Maybe I’m dreaming of a magical set of picks that will solve my single string frustration.
That’s what i got
It might help if you were to bend the blade up a little closer to your fingertip; that’s what I do and I have no placement problems
As a classical guitarist first and foremost always tried to get the picks where my nails normally would be.
I think the pick placement has more to do with how you fit the pick yourself rather than the band, etc. I’ve not thought much of pick placement consciously, but I do adjust how I strike the string based on tone.
I’m still using the same narrow bands I"ve used for years, though I’m curious to try the wides.